Stefan a vampire?

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So Stefan and I have been dating for a few weeks and it's great and all but I just keep getting the feeling that he's hiding something from me. He's seems different than other people. I feel like my entire world is about to be tipped upside down by this mysterious, gorgeous guy that sits in the seat next to me in history. His eyes could light up this whole town. They're like the stars. I can see I make him nervous. It's like he's always on edge. He's afraid of blood it makes him sick, which it cute but he tries to hide it, he must think its not a very manly thing to be afraid of blood or something. 

I remember saying "oh come on Stefan don't be such a baby it's just a little blood." He just smiled at me. Then I realised I hit a nerve. I think I made him a little mad at me so I left feeling a little guilty. To be honest I wanted to go back and apologise but I didn't I just kept on walking until I walked right into Damon. He was talking to me but I was just thinking about Stefan but me and Damon were getting closer, actually becoming friends. I find Damon charming oh my God I can't believe I just said that about my boyfriends older brother. My boyfriends mysteriously charming older, no Elena this is wrong. You can't think about him that way. "Are you okay?" He asks and I can't even think right now.

"I'm fine Damon."

"You don't seem fine. What happened?"

"I'm sorry Damon but I really need to go home now". I didn't just walk away I ran all the way home and thats a long way from the what used to be the Salvatore boarding house. 

I'm in my room sitting on my window seat trying to make sense of all the noise in my head.

"Hungry?" Jenna asks walking over to sit down next to me.

"I'm okay."

"You sure about that?"

"I'm not hungry." I say hoping she'll leave to make Jeremy dinner or something. 

"I'm not just talking about that." She says putting her hand on my knee. "You know I'm here for you, if you ever need to talk don't you?"

"Yeah I do. Thanks Jenna, I'd be lost without you." I say and I really would. After my parents died, Jenna sat up with me after I had nightmares about going off the bridge again and drowning over and over again. Then she became Jeremy and I's legal guardian and she's doing great. Sure she has her flaws but she's amazing. I know she's struggling but she says that she couldn't pass up the opportunity to take care of me and Jeremy no matter how scared she was to do it. "Can I ask you something Jenna?"

"Anything you want?"

"When you became our guardian what did you think about?"

"Honestly I thought crap. I though how am I supposed to look after two teenagers and be responsible for them when I'm still a kid myself? But then I thought about your Mom and what'd she'd do. What she'd say to me if she could. That helped because I felt like she and your Dad were watching over me, guiding me to do the right thing. I know it's not perfect but I think I'm doing okay. Or is there something you need to tell me?" She says and we both let out a single laugh.

"No. You are amazing Jenna and I don't want to even imagine what would have happened to me and Jeremy if you hadn't stepped in to take care of us and I don't want to because you are doing a great job."

"I wanted to do it. Eventually. You are lucky I did because although, at the time - after the funeral - they couldn't find him if I said no then they would've tracked down your uncle John and asked him to do it and I couldn't let that happen because he's an ass."

"He is. Has anyone even heard from uncle John?"

"No, not since the funeral. Which in my book isn't a bad thing. The last thing we need around here is John Gilbert being the dick he is." She's not wrong. John isn't exactly a good uncle. Nobody ever knows where he is and usually he never calls before he shows up at the door. The last time he stayed was three years ago and he lasted four days before he left. "Anyway, I'm going to order pizza. Are you sure you don't want anything?"

"No Jenna, I'm fine. Honestly."

"Okay, then." She says before walking out of my room and down the stairs.


Today I'll figure it out Stefan ' s secret I have to know. I can't be with someone who is hiding something I'm not so keen on lies.

Dear diary

There is something off about Stefan. He has the fastest reflexes that I've ever seen, the things he can do are impossible. He's not like a normal teenage boy, he's old fashioned. The way he talks sometimes its like he's lived a full life and is telling his grandchildren about war stories or something. I have to ask him because he's like superhuman or something. Maybe he's on drugs or something but either way I am going to find out what it is that he is keeping from me. I can't carry on not knowing. Then last week I found old video news footage from the 1950s and I could swear blind that the person standing in the shadows of the Salvatore boarding house is in fact Stefan. But that would be crazy wouldn't it? For him to be there and be so young and be her and be so young. There are old legends about the founders of Mystic Falls being haunted by vampires but thats just a crazy old story that nobody even talks about anymore. Most likely because it is completely absurd. 


The Salvatore boarding house looks victorian but it hasn't even been there that long. I walk up slowly not knowing what I'm going to get then I reach out to knock on the door. I turn around to walk away then I hear Stefan's voice. "Elena what are you doing here?" He asks.

"I know Stefan, I just need you to say it. I don't want it to be real but there is no other possible explination but I need you to say it you have to say it Stefan. If you feel the way that you say then you'll tell me the truth."

"Elena I can't". He says looking away from me and I can't believe this, my craziest theory can't be the truth. 


"Fine I'm a... I'm a vampire Elena". I can't believe it. I don't believe it. But how can I not? I didn't want to be right. I couldn't even say it myself. How is this even possible? How can he be a vampire? How can he be something that only exists in stories? If he's a vampire then that must mean that Damon is one too. 

How old are they? They look my age, but really they could be hundreds of years old because in the stories vampires are always immortal. I look down and I see something in Stefan's hand. Wood. Wood carved into a point. It can't be what I think it is, can it? But why not?

I'm not even sure that this is real. I have to be dreaming. The guy I like can't be a monster. He's so caring and kind and empathetic. He's probably the nicest person that I have ever met and yet he has a darkness. One he can not get rid of. It's part of him, forever.

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