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Elena's POV

"What do you mean Damon is dying?" I ask tears starting to build up in my eyes.

"Tyler Lockwood bit him and he doesn't want you to know but I'm telling you because I ran into Klaus and I know what the cure is." Stefan says.

"If you know what it is then why doesn't Damon have it?" I ask getting a little angry.

"Elena the cure for a werewolf bite is Klaus' blood."

"What?" I say because I don't understand.

"Can you do me a favour?" He asks pouring a glass of bourbon.

"Of course."

"Can you watch over Damon while I get the cure?"

"Yeah, just be careful Stefan because who knows what Klaus will make you do to get his blood."

"I don't care what the costs are, I won't let my brother die Elena."

"I know you won't so good luck and just come home in one piece."

"I promise you." He kisses me gently on the forehead I close my eyes for a second and he's gone.

"Hey." Damon says walking into the Salvatore house.

"I know Damon and it's okay because Stefan is out getting you a cure." I say not beating around the bush at all.

"I told him not to tell you be he won't keep anything a secret from you. I never should've told him about the stupid bite." He says and he looks tired and his face doesn't look the same, it's like it's loosing all the light.

"Don't be mad at Stefan you should've been the one to tell me Damon." I say folding my arms.

"I couldn't because you just lost your aunt and father and I can't be selfish with you."

"Well I think it was selfish to keep it from me because imagine how I'd feel if you died."

"You'd have Stefan and Bonnie and even vampire Barbie. You'd be okay."

"Maybe in time, but you know what I wouldn't have?"


"You I wouldn't have you and you know what Damon? I need you because you are the one person who doesn't try to sugar coat everything and you are the one person who I trust the most right now and you are just needed. I won't loose you. I can't so don't you dare die on me. Because if you do I will bring you back just to kill you."

"I'm here and I'm going to find a way to be here for a really long time." He says pulling me into a tight hug which I return.

Stefan's POV

"Klaus I know you're in there so open the damm door." I say banging on Klaus' front door.

"Stefan what a surprise." Klaus says opening the door with a hint sarcasm in his voice.

"Not really Klaus I'm here to make a deal."

"You better come in then." I walk into the kitchen to see Katherine sitting on a chair.

"Katherine what are you doing here?" I say.

"After 500 years of hunting her I've decided her death is going to last at least half of that. But she is none of your concern old friend." Klaus says putting his hand on my shoulder which is weird. Then he walks over to the kitchen island and sits down on a stool. "So what can I do for you?"

"You know why I'm here Klaus so what do you want in exchange for your blood?" I founding my arms.

"I only make deals with ripper Stefan." He says sliding a blood bag along to me.

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