New York

367 15 1

Damon's POV
"Okay lets go get drunk." I say as I walk past Elena.

"Okay." She says with a sexy and devilish look on her face.

"In here." I say walking into Billy's a bar that I used to drink at in the 70s.

"So how did you end up here anyways?" She asks as we take a seat in the bar.

"That is a long story but once I did here it was a nightmare or at least part of it was because Lexi showed up."

"You got Lexied?"


"Why are we even in this musty old place? I was promised hedonism."

"Well its early and hedonism isn't a fan of the day."

"Or soap." She says looking around.

"Easy, judgy. Give it a couple of hours. This place will be crawling with more punked-out nihilists than you can eat in a decade, trust me."

"How do you know this anyways?"

"Because I spent most of the seventies here. The Factory was too clean, CBGB's was too high-profile, but Billy's-- Billy's was the underground of the underground. The music, the feed, everything about was perfect. Until Lexi showed up anyways."

"Following a lead without me. Not very nice, Damon." Rebekah says smashing my head off the bar. "I must say, I'm a little hurt. I thought we made a good team. Not without its fireworks, but what classic pairing isn't?"

"Wait. What are you talking about?" Elena asks. Crap.

"Your boyfriend is tracking the cure and I'm tracking him and you actually weren't mentioned when I think about it." Rebekah says as I rub my head.

"Are you seriously looking for it behind my back Damon?" Elena asks. "You're unbelievable."

"Rebekah your wrong. I brought Elena here to feed and get drunk." I say, which is became true in the last ten minutes.

"Right and to do that you drove for over 7 hours?" Rebekah says folding her arms.

"Yes, and as I was telling Elena, before we were so rudely interrupted, that my history in this city has a particular relevant to her current situation because I had my humanity off and Lexi showed ups to tell me that I wasn't covering my tracks - which I wasn't. She said Stefan sent her to get me to feel again."

"Are you planning on trying that with me? Because if you are it won't work. I know you'd never hurt me Damon." Elena says smirking.

"She wouldn't leave." I say downing my drink. "I felt like killing her so many times. She's never gave up."

"She sounds like a delight." Rebekah says.

Elena's POV

"Do you really believe him?" Rebekah asks.

"No. I know what he's doing. I'm not stupid." He thinks he has me fooled.

"Don't say things you don't mean." Why am I tolerating her?

"Damon's like a dog with a bone. Stefan, too. They won't give up until they find the cure and then make me take it. So I guess I'm gonna have to find it first."

"Looks as if Damon has ditched us."

"I'm glad. He'll find what he's looking for then I'll steal it. I'll get his lead on Katherine and I'll kill her and steal the cure, then I'll destroy it."

"And what if you can't? I mean, he is stronger than you. You know, I could help you. You want the cure off the table, I wanna take it. We could work together." She says sounding desperate.

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