Goodbye Jeremy Gilbert

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Elena's POV
"Matt why have you brought me to the stoner Pitt? I need to be at home when Jeremy wakes up." I ask.

"I want you to see something." He says moving a table out the way. The wall has 'Vicki' spray painted on it.


"Remember when Jer was like in love with my sister?"

"How could I forget. When our parents died it was his rebel phase. I think that he really did love her."

"I found that after they found Vicki's body. I found something else too." He says pointing to 'J+V' spray painted on he wall.

"Did Jeremy do that?"

"After they found Vick's body, I remember thinking that things didn't feel over, you know, that there was no possible way that she could be gone forever. And then she wasn't. My point is, this town, this crazy-ass world we live in, sometimes not being willing to accept that someone is gone, is because maybe they're least not completely."

"Do you really believe that Matt?"

"Yeah, I do."

"If I were to compel you to tell me the truth, is that what you would say?"

"I would tell you that it's okay to have hope...because sometimes that's all that keeps me going."

"Thank you. For everything Matt, I appreciate it. And I'm sorry that I don't get to tell you that a lot."


Bonnie, Matt, Damon, Caroline and I are sitting around the kitchen table.
"I need to complete an Expression Triangle for Silas. 12 people need to die." Bonnie says shocking us all.

"What?" Matt says in total disbelief. "Bonnie you can't just kill 12 innocent people." He says.

"I know this sounds crazy but it's the only way that I can get enough power." Bonnie sad trying to convince us all.

"To do what exactly?" Caroline asks.

"Shane told me that when Silas was buried by the witch Qetsiyah, she left him with the cure and two choices-- stay immortal and rot or take the cure and eventually die in there of old age. Qetsiyah had already one-upped him. She knew that he wanted to die so that he could find peace, be reunited with his one true love. So she created the Other Side as a purgatory for all supernatural beings, ensuring that if he died, he'd end up there forever. That's where I come into all of this. I can make the other side disappear all I have to do is drop the veil and then the other side won't exist anymore. There will be nothing separating us. We'll be one."

"Bonnie, you are talking like a crazy person. You are not killing 12 people, and you sure as hell can't invite every monster who has ever died back into this world." Caroline says and all I can think about is Jeremy.

"I can do it. I have the power. We can bring everyone back-- Jeremy, Alaric, Vicki."

"Bonnie stop talking like this." Caroline says.
The phone starts ringing pulling me out of my haze.

I pick up the phone and I say "hello."

"Elena? It's April Young. I was calling for Jeremy, his cell phone keeps going to voicemail." She says.

"Jeremy can come to the phone right now he's um... I'm sorry." I pause for a second and then I say "Jeremy is dead."

Damon's POV

Stefan and I are standing on the front porch.

"She's out of her mind, Stefan. The nutty professor's got her totally brainwashed." I say because Bonnie has went totally out of her mind. "All she was talking about is how she is only one who can drop the veil between this side and the other side."

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