The Power Of The Moon

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"There's a new Lockwood in town." Damon says walking into my kitchen.

"Why is that relevant?" Stefan asks.

"Well little brother he's strong more than human strong."

"You think he's a vampire?" I ask.

"Wait how do you know this Damon?" Stefan asks folding his arms.

"I saw someone pick a fight with him and this Lockwood picked the guy up threw him down and he said 'don't do that again' and the guy who tried to fight him was a huge guy with muscles. He's also a body guard or something like that." Stefan and I just give him a look and he says "I'm guessing by the look of him." Damon says.

"You compelled that guy didn't you?" I ask.

"Okay that hurt but no I don't think the Lockwood is a vampire but he's definitely not human." Damon says.

"Damon." I say folding my arms.

"Okay fine I compelled him but in my defence Lockwood could be in league with our favourite original vampire." Again I just look at him. "Don't look at me with those judging little eyes."

"I'm not judging you, you're my friend and I just want you to make the right decisions." I say truly meaning it.

"Well Elena that's the difference between you and me I'll make the un-popular possibly dangerous decisions but at the end of the day it'll be who keeps you safe." He with a look I don't recognise.

"Damon can I talk to you outside?" Stefan asks walking out the front door Damon follows and closes the door behind him.

Stefan's POV

"What do you think your doing Damon do you have any idea what your getting involved in." I ask folding my arms.

"I don't need this from you to Stefan. I do the wrong thing, I make bad decisions but when it's all over I'll be the one who protects her and I'll even let her hate me for it because that's who I am and I'm not going to change so don't think that because I care that I'm going to stop making the decisions that I make and because you care too much your going to be the one who's emotions get in the way and it will cloud your judgement and you'll put her at risk."

He walks away and I'm left feeling that maybe he's right. Maybe I just care to much. Maybe I am putting her in danger.
"Stefan." She says her big brown eyes sparkling. "Is everything okay?"

"Honestly Elena I don't think it is." She takes my hand and leads me over to the bench in her porch and we sit down.

"Tell me."

"My emotions put you in danger."

"What? Thats not true Stefan your emotions are what protect people."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Let me tell you a story. A car had just gone off wickery bridge and someone who felt he needed to help did. He rushed into the water where he found a girl and her parents and the girls father made the brave stranger save the girl first so he did and that girl survived and her parents didn't but if it wasn't for that strangers emotions he wouldn't have cared and the girl would also be dead leaving her brother all on his own where something bad could've happened to him. So he didn't just save the girls life he saved the lives of everyone who cares about her because if she died they would've been grieving and that would've put a hold on their lives and their happiness."

"It's a good story."

"I'm not finished."


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