Its Been How Long?

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My eyes flutter open and I'm surrounded by everyone I love.
"You're awake." Damon says placing his hand on mine.

"Why are all of you here?" I ask looking around realising that I'm not in my room. "What's going on?"

"You were shot Elena one month ago." Damon says his eyes widening.

"That's impossible, why didn't I wake up like day after?"

"The doctors said there was nothing medically wrong with you. I gave you my blood but you still didn't wake up." Damon says his eyes locked onto mine. "I'm sorry Elena."

Then a sweet voice that I don't recognise says "Klaus needed to be sure that you would be alive and healthy before the sacrifice so I worked up a little spell that put you into a coma."

"So why now?" I ask knowing she knows exactly what I mean.

"The sacrifice will happen tomorrow night so I suggest you get plenty rest and you should eat something and Klaus will come for you when the time is right." She says then she walks out of the room.

"Don't worry Klaus isn't taking you anywhere." Damon says.

"I appreciate what that your just trying to help me but if I don't go with him tomorrow then he'll kill everyone in this room and I won't let that happen Damon."

"I'm not going to let you die." He says looking into my eyes.

"I can help with that" a familiar voice says. I look up to see Elijah standing in the door way.


We're all at the Salvatore mention and Elijah is telling everyone on how I can stay alive and he takes an elixir out of a small case and holds it up and he opens his mouth to speak but he is interrupted.

"No." Damon says taking a sip out of the bottle of bourbon he has in his left hand."

"Damon this could stop me from staying dead." I say folding my arms and giving him a look that as if to say stop.

"Exactly that's it the word could. It could save your life which means it might not actually work and we have no reason to trust Elijah." He says taking another drink of the bourbon I'm his hand.

"Damon." I say walking over to him I take his free hand in mine. "I'll be fine and if it doesn't work then at least all of you." He turns his head away from me but I say "hey. Look at me" and I put my free hand on his cheek and I continue "don't worry I'll be okay. I'll take the elixir and then the sacrifice will happen and then I'll wake up again."

"Well I'm sorry Elena but I'm not going to stand here and watch you die." He says walking away from me taking another drink.

"Elena I hope you know there are no guarantees with the elixir."
Elijah says putting the elixir back into the case he took it out of.

"I know thank you Elijah. Excuse me a second." I say walking out of the room and up the stairs to Damon's room.

"Damon." I say walking in.

He comes up behind me and says "I have a solution. A way to know for sure that you won't die. A way in which will ensure that you come back."

"No Damon." I say knowing exactly what he's talking about.

"It's the only way to ensure that you come back."

"I won't."
He bites his wrist and his blood his dripping on to the floor and then he grips me tightly by the waist and presses his wrist to my mouth and I'm struggling trying to push him away, trying not to swallow any of his blood but there's to much of it and I can't help it. His blood has entered my system. Then before I know it Stefan is throwing Damon across the room causing him to break a chair.

"How could you?" Stefan says sounding so angry. "How could you take that choice away from her?" Stefan starts punching him but Damon is stronger and drives a stake into Stefan under his ribs causing him to fall to his knees.

"At least this way I know she'll come back."

"A vampire, she'll come back a vampire." Stefan says removing the steak from his body.

"Just get out of here!" I shout helping Stefan up. Damon looks at the both of us then he's gone in the blink of an eye.
I run to the basement to get Stefan some blood and when I'm on my way back Elijah stops me and says "it looks like you won't be needing the elixir. It is useless now that Damon's blood is in your system."

"Thank you Elijah." I say then I run back to Stefan passing him a couple of blood bags to help him regain his strength.

Once he's finished he says "I'm so sorry Elena."

"I don't..." He interrupts me and says "you can say it it's okay."

"I don't want to be a vampire Stefan."

"I know and I don't understand how Damon could take that choice away from you."

"I'm supposed to grow up and have a life decide what I want and I don't want to hate myself for being a vampire and I don't want to hate Damon for turning me into one but I can't help it. I hate him Stefan."

He pulls me into a tight hug and before we know it has got dark outside so we go downstairs and there is a knock at the door. Stefan goes to answer and all I hear is him saying "no" and straight away I know who it is so I walk to the door to see Klaus and Stefan standing giving each other a look that would kill.

"Are you ready love?" Klaus says extending his hand to me. I walk forward and I reluctantly place my hand in his and we only make it to the driveway because Stefan is standing in front of us.

"I won't let you go." Stefan says pulling me from Klaus' grip.

"Stefan you have to let me go." I say with tears starting form in my eyes.

"Elena don't ask me to do that." He says griping onto me tightly.

"I love you, I always have loved you and I always will love you but you have to let me go."

"I love you."

"Close your eyes." I say cupping his face with my hands.

"Elena I..."

Stefan' POV

"It's okay just close your eyes." She says her hands never leaving my face. I just look at her with pleading eyes and she nods her head and I slowly close my eyes. I feel her soft lips touch mine and now her touch is gone. I open my eyes and she's gone.
My phone buzzes and I look to find a text.

Damon: Keep Elena there just a little longer Bonnie and I have found away to keep her alive!

I can't tell him over a text so I call him.
"Hello." Damon says.

"It's too late." I say wishing that I'd done something more to keep her here.

"What do you mean it's too late?" I'm not sure why he's asking because I know from the tone in his voice that he knows what I'm talking about.

"Klaus came and he took her Damon and I couldn't stop him."

"Dammit, dammit, dammit. Stefan what are we going to do?"

"Honestly I have no idea."

"I have to tell you something els."

"What is it?" I ask hoping it'll be okay.

"Klaus has Jenna. He's using her as the vampire in the sacrifice and Tyler Lockwood escaped so now he's found himself a backup werewolf."

"I can't let Jenna die Damon."

"Stefan that's why I wanted you to keep Elena at the house just a little longer."

"I'm going to offer Klaus a trade he can't refuse."

"Stefan you can't."

"Damon I've lived long enough and I won't let Jenna die when it can be prevented, I'm going to offer Klaus a trade. Me for Jenna."

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