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"Wait now you're telling me that Klaus' older brother is here too?" I say to Bonnie and Damon.

"I came across him or rather he came to me with the proposal of a deal." Bonnie says.

"What kind of deal Bonnie?" I ask.

"All he said is that and I quote 'I wish to speak with Elena Gilbert to negotiate the terms of a deal' and then Damon told him never going to happen." She says looking at Damon.

"Damon you don't get to speak for me. I want to meet him." I say truly meaning it.

"Are you nuts, Elena this is Klaus' older brother which means he'll most likely be stronger and he's the brother of the devil so I'm thinking its a genetic thing that his full family are just evil ." Damon says with an angry tone.

"Just because Klaus is bad and evil that doesn't mean his whole family is like him." I say standing my ground.

"We don't know they're not like him." Damon says.

"You can't stop me Damon."

"I promised Stefan that I'd keep you safe and if you meet him I can't protect you because he is older and stronger than me." He says calming down.

"I'll be safe I'll meet him in a public place so there is no need to worry about me Damon."

"She's right Damon I'll go with her so if he try's anything I'll just." Bonnie says doing something to Damon that makes him go down to his knees with the pain. Then she stops and he says "what is that little mind trick you do that makes my head feel like it's going to explode?"

"I burst you're blood vessels and because you heal fast I do it over and over and over." Bonnie says looking pleased.

"See she can just do that to Elijah if he try's anything." I say.

"I'm still not sure Elena I don't think I can let you do this." Damon says.

"I'm sorry Damon but this is not your decision to make its mine. So will you be there Bonnie?"

"Yeah I'll be there." Bonnie says with a look that lets me know that I can count on her. Like I always can.

"Fine I'll be there." Damon says still being stubborn.

"No. How am I supposed to make a deal with you lurking around?" I say hoping he won't answer but I know he will.

"You're not going without me." He says.

"You do not get to tell me what to do. I make my own decisions not you." I say standing my ground again. "Bonnie can you give us a second?"

"Sure." She says walking away.

"Look Damon I don't wanna go against you but I have to."

"Elena I just don't want to feel guilty anymore."
He says walking closer to me.

"Guilty? Why am I getting the felling you're not talking about Elijah?"

"I don't want to feel guilty for wanting what I want."

"Damon." I say as almost a whisper.

"No I get it brothers girl and all." He goes to walk away but then he walks back to me and says "no if I'm going to feel guilty about something I'm going to feel guilty about this." He says and he kisses me. He puts his hands softly on my neck and I move my left hand up and I place it on his. I don't feel guilty about kissing him back. I like it. I almost don't want it to stop. But he pulls away from my lips and he rests his forehead on mine. I keep my eyes closed because I don't know what to say. We just kissed and I enjoyed it which probably makes me a bad person but for the first time in my life I don't care.

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