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"Jeremy play nice with Lizzie and Lily." I say folding my arms, to which he just puts his head down and says "Sorry Mommy."

"It's okay sweetie." I say kneeling down to kiss his forehead.


The past ten years have been crazy. Bonnie made a spell to help vampires have children that's how Damon and I got our son Jeremy, who's six and our unborn daughter.
Caroline and Stefan got married a year after I married Damon and they have twin daughters, Lily and Lizzie. In honour of their grandmothers.
Bonnie found love too. She found it somewhere she never thought possible. With a vampire Damon knew back the 70s. His name is Enzo and she's talking about letting him turn her so that she never has to spend a day without him.
Alaric has a daughter of his own with a doctor named Joe, who happens to witch herself and they are perfect together and he's gone back to teaching. He now teaches a History/Dark Arts class. I think he enjoys it because he gets to talk about his own experiences with the supernatural, but he doesn't say their his experiences because they would think he's crazy. I know I would have.
As for Matt, I haven't heard from him in years. Last I heard was about three years ago and he was in Rome with his fiancé and I just hope that he's happy wherever he is because everyone else that I love is finally happy. I mean I finally got my medical degree and Damon is... Damon. He hasn't changed. Even though our lives have. I think every one of us got what we wanted.


"You know the kids are on a play date with Jeremy." I say putting my arms around Stefan.

"Aren't you late for work?" He says turning round and placing a kiss on my forehead.
I look down at my watch and I am late. Really late. "Dammit. I was looking forward to having you to myself for a while."

"People need you."

"I guess because if it wasn't for me everyone would be running around like headless chickens."

"Yes they would, you are the most beautiful and intelligent news anchor and producer they have." He says with a little laugh. Its good to see because I remember a time where people weren't doing a whole lot of that around here.

"I love you." I say giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"I love you." He says smiling down at me. "Now go before you're later than you already are."

"Fine, but after dinner you are mine Salvatore." I say then I disappear out of the kitchen, which is where Stefan spends most of his time these days. He's the best cook and he's hoping to maybe open up a restaurant, which is something he's wanted for a while now.

Bonnie's POV

"Enzo I want to do this." I say lacing my arms around his neck.

"I can't let you. I never want to loose you Bonnie Bennett but you hate vampires." He says in that perfect English accent of his.

"All my friends are vampires and I don't know what I'd do without you. And your right I do hate vampires or at least I did until..."

"Until you fell in love with one." He says wrapping his arms tightly around me.

"Until I fell in love with you." I say curling my mouth into a smile.

"I love you but I don't want you to end up hating me."

"I could never hate you Enzo."

"It's hard. The cravings. You will kill someone and that guilt will make you feel like you want to die and that's something I never want you to have to experience."

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