Am I Really Adopted?

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We're back. The Salvatore drive way. Stefan comes rushing down out of the window with a worried look on his face but before he tries to take my hand I run over and hug Damon and I whisper "I was having fun, until well you know." Then I let go and he just smiles and says "me too Elena". Stefan is leading me up to his room and he starts to speak but I interrupt by saying "did you talk to me because I look like her?" I can't help the tears from running down my face wiping them away he says "at first it was your resemblance to Katherine that drew me to you but you are nothing like her. Your kind, caring, you have compassion which are all things that Katherine didn't have she was selfish and she manipulated people. But I had to make sure that you weren't her so for months I watched you. And the one night a car went over wikery bridge and inside was you and your parents and you're father made me save you first and when I want back for him and your mother it was too late. I'm so sorry Elena"

"Nobody could figure out how I got out of the car but I was you who saved my life."

"Yeah, I did. Your resemblance to Katherine got me thinking. Katherine must have had a daughter before she turned."

"Wait what are you saying Stefan?" Before Stefan speaks he takes a deep breath and says "you were adopted Elena" At that moment I run, grab Damon's car keys and I drive to my house. I walk through the front door and as I'm about to walk up the stairs Jenna says "where have you been? Do you have any idea how worried I've been? I don't set a lot rules especially not with you, but I expect you to be home at a decent hour and I expect the truth from you Elena." I just look at her and say "the truth what would you know about the truth?" Interrupting she says "excuse me, how dare you talk to me like that" so I say "how could you not tell me that I was adopted" Jenna's full expression changes.

"I'm sorry Elena I never thought that I'd have to tell you. Your mom and dad were going to eventually. I didn't think what would happen if they weren't here to tell you." Tears start to fall down Jenna's face so I go over and give her a hug. The next thing I do is I walk out and go tell Bonnie that I'm not biologically a Gilbert.
"Seriously adopted why would your parents and Jenna keep this from you?" Bonnie says in a surprised tone. Before I get the chance to say something she says "wait how did you find out?" I neglect to tell her but she squeezes it out of me so I say "Stefan he told me." And of course she replies by saying "and how would Stefan know?" I say "it's along story but it's true Jenna admitted it to me then she broke down into tears". Bonnie doesn't get the chance to say anything because Damon walks in and takes me away. I walk outside with him and we get into Stefan's car because obviously I have his and I say "Damon, what is this, why have you come and dragged me away?" He just looks at me and does that eye thing with the half smile that he likes to do. So of course I say "stop doing that eye thing" Damon being Damon says "what eye thing?" And then he does it again. I go to open the car door and he says wait "I have something important to tell you that me and Stefan can't keep from you anymore, oh and I want my car back."

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