Bonnie Bennett

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Bonnie's POV
I open my eyes and it's all blurry. I squeeze my eyes shut then I open them again and I look over and I see Elena and she's smiling at me but there's tears in her eyes and I look to the other side of me and there's Caroline.
"Bonnie you're okay." Elena says and I'm not so sure because now I have to face Silas. I have to find a way to put him down. It's my job. No matter what it takes. I sit up and I smile at them and I say "I'm okay." They both hug me. I've missed this. Us all being together.


"What happened to you Bon Bon?" Damon asks handing be a glass of water.

"I was pulled to the other side by the witches. But my Grams found me first. She kept me safe and told me what will happen if I gave Silas what he wants." I say then I take a small sip of the water.

"What do you mean? What's going to happen?" Elena asks looking worried.

"I'll die." I say and I look at all their faces and I see the worry. "That's what she said. I'm sorry. I know that you want your brother back Elena. But I don't think I can do it."

"Bonnie I would never ask you to risk your life and if that means that lost ones stay dead then they stay dead." Elena says taking my hand.

"So what do we do about Silas?" Caroline asks sitting down beside me.

"We'll figure something out." Stefan says.

"We will. But we can't put anyone in danger. Especially you Bonnie and Rick. You can't heal or run like we can." Elena says and I'm not even paying attention. How did our lives get this messed up? My friends are vampires and I'm witch.

"I say we get the upper hand and then cut him up into tiny little bits. I'd love to see him come back from that." Damon says folding his arms.

"I have a better idea." I say remembering a spell I saw in one of my grams' books.

"What it is it?" Alaric asks.

"We can turn him to stone and then smash him to pieces and dump the pieces in the quarry." I say and it's a good plan.

"That's a good plan. We just need to figure out how to trap him." Alaric says.

"I know how." Elena says and I'm starting to feel a little hopeful that we'll be able to stop him for good.

"Sounds good I mean he says that he wants to die so let's kill him." Caroline says and I look around and we all have the same expression. Ready.

"Let's put him down. Forever. We can do it." I say and I don't even believe it. At least not completely. But I need to. And not just for myself but for them. My friends.

"So when do you want to do this?" Damon asks folding his arms across his chest.

"Friday night. Two days from now. It'll give me time to get my strength back and Friday is a full moon so I can draw power from that." I say and Damon gives me a nod.

"What can we do?" Elena asks.

"Help me find him. I need to get a message to Silas. I'll tell him that I need a full moon to drop the veil and that'll give us time to prepare." I say standing up. "Elena, Caroline I need your help to reach him."

"What ever you need we're there." Caroline says for the both of them.


Caroline, Elena and I are sitting around a small table in the attic of the Salvatore house. "Why are we here?" Caroline asks.

"You two have vampire blood and Elena you are a doppelgänger so if I got blood from both of you it would be a direct link to Silas." I say placing candles in the shape of a pentagram and I lose my eyes and when I open them the candles are lit.

"What do you mean about a link?" Elena asks looking a little confused.

"Silas is also a doppelgänger. The first one." I say and I can see I've shocked them both. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. But Silas' true face is Stefan's face too."

"So what does that have to do with me Bonnie?" Elena asks and I regret that I didn't tell anyone the truth. "The reason Silas was locked in the tomb in the first place was because he left the woman he was supposed to marry for another. Her name was Amara and she was the first doppelgänger. Elena, she was your doppelgänger and her and Silas tried to run but she was killed first. So Silas wants to take the cure and die so that he can be with her."

"Why didn't you tell me Bonnie?" Elena asks and she looks like she's trying to wrap her head around all of this.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't want to involve any of you. I was only trying to protect you."

"It's okay I get it." She says and Caroline says "Bonnie, you should have told us. You know that we would do anything to help you."

"I know. I'm sorry."


Everything is in place and in less than an hour I'll be rid of Silas for good.
"You sure you can do this?" Elena asks walking up beside me.

"I appreciate your concern but I can do it, I have the power and the responsibility to put him down."

"If anything goes wrong I'll be here as quick as I can."

"I know, you better get out of here. If he sees you then he'll know that something's going on."

"Okay but please be careful around him Bonnie." She says giving me a quick hug.
Now it's up to me. I have to protect the people I care about.

"Odd meeting place." A voice says from the shadows.

"Witches have died here and we're directly under the moonlight so I can draw power from it." I say as he walks towards me.

"I hope I can trust you." He says folding his arms.

"You can." I say hoping that he's believing it. I glance at the ground and he's standing in the middle on the pentagram I drew. I close my eyes and I start the spell.

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