25 Vampires Walking Around Mystic Falls

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"Damon,tell me now, no more secrets" "I'm going to Elena, that's kinda the reason for me coming down here but I won't tell you in this car I'll drive you to your house and Stefan will meet us there." "Fine." I say acting like..... I dunno but not like me. I think Damon's ways might be rubbing off on me which is strange because I am nothing like Damon, I mean we're friends kinda but... He's just Damon. He leaves the car he drove down in on the side of the road and we get into his car. We drive to my house in silence, when we get to the house Stefan is waiting in the kitchen and he says "25 vampires are lurking around Mystic Falls looking for revenge on the founding families. I'm so sorry that we had to keep this from you."

"What do you mean looking for revenge?" So Damon says "In 1864 the town did a round up of all the vampires and it was the founding families that put them in Fells church to burn. But what they didn't know was that Emily Bennett sealed them in a tomb underneath the church, and now they got out as when Bonnie' grams died the seal fell down releasing 25 revengeful vampires into Mystic Falls." I couldn't keep the tears in "that's how my best friends grams died, how could you all lie to me like this? From now on you have to tell me everything. I expect stuff like this from you Damon but Stefan, you promised you'd never keep anything from me." Stefan looks down at the ground, then he looks up and says "I know, Elena but it was for your own protection, these vampires are ruthless and they're looking for revenge on the founding families and the last time I checked you're a founding family member. So now do you understand why I kept this from you?" I just look at him and I shake my head then I go upstairs to my room. And of course he follows me. I keep my back turned but he grabs my hand and he kisses me. I don't want to kiss him back but I can't help it, I caved and we shared this magical kiss. I almost didn't want it to end but I slowly pulled away and he still held his hands on my face and he looked at me like nobody has ever looked at me before, I smile and say "this doesn't mean you're forgiven at least not just yet." He looks up at me kisses my forehead and says "Goodnight Elena, I love you" and he walks away, so I say softly "I love you, Stefan". He turns around and does his vamp speed thing and he kisses me again. When he pulls away I take a deep breath with my eyes closed and when I open them again he's gone.

Dear diary
I now know that I am completely in love with Stefan but I've found myself thinking about..... I can't bring myself to say it never mind writing it down but, I've been thinking about Damon, dreaming about him and I don't know why. Damon makes me happy, but I'm in love with Stefan and that's not going to change. Does this make me a bad person? To be thinking about my boyfriends brother like this? No, I can be friends with Damon while being with Stefan. Damon is my friend and people have dreams about their friends all the time.
Elena x
"Jeremy can you please answer the door, it might be Stefan and Damon?" I shout from my room down to the kitchen so he shouts "Yes, Elena".

"Hi Jeremy is Elena home?" I walk down the stairs with a smile on my face and say "Stefan, you're here. So where is Damon? I thought he'd be with you?" Before Stefan gets the chance to answer Jeremy says "Elena, just invite him in already, it's freezing" then he walks away. I take Stefan's hand and I lead him up to my room then I close the door and we just look at each other for a second. He walks over and looks me in the eye and says "Damon, is setting up to.... You know what never mind" he smiles then kisses me hoping that I'd forget. I let him do it but when he pulls away I say "I can't forget what you just said, so tell me now Stefan because if you don't then I'll just call Damon and find out the truth myself as I can count on him to always be honest with me." He look angry that I said that but it works and he says "Damon has a plan to get rid of the tomb vampires for good."

"What? How could you two keep another secret from me? You know what Stefan I think it's time for you to leave"

"Elena, please I need to be here to protect you."

"No, you don't I'd rather Damon be here than you right now, so I'm going to call him and he can take your place in the plan and vice versa"

"Don't be so quick to trust Damon and anyway Damon kept this from you to, so what's the difference?"

"Damon is my friend Stefan and I trust him more than I trust you right now, and you're the one who is never supposed to lie or hide things, you're the one who's supposed to love me, you're the one I'm in love with and it hurts when you keep stuff from me Stefan and then there is Damon who I care about and he's just my friend but you are suppose to be different, so get out of my house" I feel bad for acting that way with Stefan but he kept a huge thing from me again so now I'm just going to call Damon. "Damon it's me Elena, can you come over to my house it's really important I know about the plan. The door is unlocked so I'll see you soon."

"Elena, I'll be there in five" Damon says with his bruiting voice, I smile the hang up the phone.

"Damon you're here thank God you're here."

"Elena do you want to tell me why I'm standing in you're bedroom?"

"I'd rather you be here and Stefan out there executing your plan" he walks to my bed lays down and holds my teddy on his chest.

"Aren't you the least bit worried about Stefan, the love of you're life?" He says with that Damon sarcasm smirk that he does.

"No, Stefan kept this from me Damon, how can I trust him now?" I say sitting down next to him on my bed.

"He loves you, so don't worry. Everything will be okay" I can tell he really means that. He gets up and walks to the top of the stairs "um where are you going?" I ask.

"To kill some vampires". He walks out of the house and I follow him to where Fells Church is or was. Standing waiting for him is Bonnie, Stefan and Alaric Saltzman- the history teacher by day and vampire hunter by night. I accidentally stand on a stick and they all hear me and they turn around and Damon does his vamp speed thing over to me. He grabs my arm and says "you're are going home right now. It's not safe for you to be here Elena" so I say "you can't tell me what to do Damon"

"Really? I could take you're pretty little vervain necklace and compel you to leave" he says like I'm a small child.

"I drank vervain about an hour ago, so go ahead, try to compel me Damon it won't work." I can see him caving and he says "fine but you stay next to me at all times, if anything happens to you I could never forgive myself" he says with his hands on my face. I nod and I take hold of his arm. We walk over to Bonnie and Stefan and he looks hurt that I'm holding on to Damon but I don't care, I can't even look at him. I slowly move my hand down Damon's arm and I take his hand and he looks into my eyes and I don't know but I feel so safe knowing that we are holding hands. We go underground while we wait for the vampires to come. I'm nervous but glad that I'm with them. "Bonnie are you ready with the spell?" Stefan asks.

"Yeah, Stefan I can take them" she says. They're here. They start to come underground and Bonnie does this thing to there heads that is making them cry out in pain then Stefan is going around staking them but another comes down and stakes Stefan but he misses his heart. Damon turns to me puts his hands on my shoulders and he says "Stay behind Bonnie no matter what." I nod but when he goes and starts to stake them I run over to Stefan and he looks like he's dying so I pick up a rock and cut my wrist and put it to Stefan's mouth and say "Drink Stefan, you need blood". He starts to feed on my wrist and it really hurts, I feel like I'm going to pass out and.......

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