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Dear Diary
I need to tell Stefan that we can't be friends it's just to dangerous and I won't let anyone get hurt.

My phone is ringing and it's Damon. I'm reluctant to answer but I do and say "What do you want Damon?"

"Elena, I have an idea so I'll be over soon."

"Jer, where are you going?" I ask standing at the front of the door.

"What do you care Elena?"

"I care because you're my brother Jeremy."

"Yeah well nobody asked to, so just get out of my way."

"Oh my god it's nine in the morning and you're totally stoned."

He tries denying it by saying "I'm not stoned just slightly buzzed" I smack him in the arm and say "you really need to get it together Jer. Me and Jenna are worried about you and we don't want to see you get hurt because of this." Before I can say anymore Jeremy pushes me out of the way and he walks out as Damon is walking up. I go to stop him but I have a favor I need to ask.

"Hey, so I had a thought." He says with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Not here." I say walking out the door. He just stands there looking at me until I say "Are you coming?"
We drive out to the woods and start walking.

"Why are we in the woods Damon?"

"Well there's nobody around for a start."

"What's you're plan?"

"Right my plan."

"You don't have a plan do you Damon?"

"No but I do have an idea".

It's "Stefan what are you doing here?"

"Plotting against Katherine"

"No I can't risk you getting hurt. Or you Damon. This was a idiotic idea I should've told you to leave as soon as you walked up my front path Damon."

"Yeah well you didn't, so how are we going to get rid of the bitch?" Damon says.

"You know what Elena's right Damon. Katherine is just to dangerous, so can you please just get Elena home safely?" Stefan says.

"What? No come on Stef. We can do this we have to do it. Katherine is just too big of a threat to leave alive." Damon says getting serious. But he Finaly agrees and takes me home.
Damon's point of view.
"It worked Stefan she doesn't suspect a thing. Rick is going to keep her away from the masquerade party tonight." I say as Bonnie, vampire barbie (Caroline) and Little Gilbert arrive. Yeah Jeremy knows he read Elena's diary but she doesn't know that so, he's a Gilbert so he couldn't stay out of it even if he tried and then there was the fact that Katherine killed Caroline and she had my blood in her system when she died. So now she's the newest member of vampire book club. My vote was that we just kill her but Stefan wanted to help her. So he did. That's been a hard one to keep from Elena.
"Stefan can you fill them in Elena's calling me, thanks brother."

Elena you better not be calling me to say that you changed you're mind about the party.
"Elena, now is really not I good time" I say answering her call.

"What's going on Damon? Bonnie, Jeremy and Caroline are all dodging my calls."

"Why would you think that something is going on?"

"Damon I'm not an idiot so please just tell me." For a split second I think how much easier it would be if she knew but then she wouldn't be able to stay away so I say "fine you got us. Caroline is a vampire so we're teaching her how to be one bye." I hang up before she can say anything.

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