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6 Months Later
"Matt look out!" I shout at Matt and I are driving over wickery bridge. Matt sees what I see Rebekah Mikaelson standing on the road. Matt swerves and we go off the bridge plunging into the water.

As the truck completely fills with water Matts eyes fall closed and I shake him but he won't open them.
I blink and Stefan is there pulling off the trucks door. I point to Matt, indicating that he needs to be saved over me. Stefan nods and breaks Matt free.


I wake up gasping for breath in my bedroom where Stefan and Damon are sitting.

"Hey." Stefan says placing his hand on mine.

"The bridge, was that a dream?" I ask confused as my head is pounding.

"No Elena it wasn't." Stefan says.

"Oh my God Matt is he?" I can't bring myself to ask that question.

"Alive? Yes." Damon says.

"How did you?" I ask.

"What save you? He didn't." Damon says.

"Wait, oh my god am I in transition?" I say wanting to cry. "It's okay Matt is alive that's the main thing."

"Oh and the world has one more quarterback." Damon says.

"Bonnie is trying to find a spell to help you stay a human." Stefan says.

"Can it be done?" I ask.

"No." Damon says. "Never in the history of vampirism has someone avoided transition, you feed or you die those are the rules. No exceptions." Damon says then he gets up and walks out.

"He's right Stefan."

"We have all day and I'm not giving up."

"It's not your fault."

"Yes it is if I had saved you first then you wouldn't be going through this."

"And Matt would be dead what do you think I'd be going through then?"

"I'm so sorry Elena."

"Don't be, like you said we have all day to figure something out."

Damon's POV

"It can't be done." I say as Stefan walks into Elena's kitchen where I've been sitting and thinking about how if it were me on that bridge.

"We can try."

"And what get her hopes up for something that has never been done."

"If were you on that bridge would you have done what she asked?"

"No, I would've saved her first and I'd even let her hate me for it but at least my way she'd still be human."

"But her friend would be dead."

"That's what people do, they die and sometimes you have to choose who to save and you chose wrong brother." I say then I walk out to let him think about what he's done.

Elena's POV

I walk into my room from the bathroom and my head is spinning. I look up and I see Damon.
"I though you left."
Then I realise this is in my head. Is this a lost memory?

"Cute PJs." He says sitting on my window seat.

"Come on Damon I'm tired."

"I thought you might want this back." He says holding up my necklace.

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