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Stefan's POV
The worst day of loving someone is the day that you loose them. It's been almost a week since Jeremy died and Elena shut her humanity out. Damon has taken her to New York to have fun but I don't think that what she needs. She needs to be in Mystic Falls surrounded with the reminder that she is loved.
Damon's POV
"Damon why are we here?" Elena asks as we walk down the street.

"Because in a few days you've managed to piss everyone in Mystic Falls off and it's harder to do in a city of millions."

"I was hungry."

"You were reckless Elena."

"Emotionless. There is a difference."

"Look, all that matters is that when I lived here, I fed like crazy and had a blast and went undetected for years." I lived in New York in the 70s it was great, for a while at least."

"So, the only reason we're here is to have fun?" She asks stopping in front of me. "What's the catch Damon?"

"There's no catch. Look, you wanted out, I got you out. You wanted to feed, I brought you to a city-sized, all-you-can-eat buffet. That's the beauty of New York-- there's so much life that a little death goes unnoticed so I say we go eat." My phone starts ringing and I see it's Stefan. "Why don't you go on ahead, this could take a while?" I say and she just wanders further down the street. "Hello, brother."

"I've tried to call you a million times. Why are you avoiding?"

"I'm in New York Stefan. Trying to show Elena a good time."

"So that's it? You've just given up on finding Katherine and getting the cure?"

"Relax, man. This little joyride is actually a cure hunt." I look to the bar I'm standing in front of. Billy's. Will and I came her. "The vampire that knew Katherine was a friend of mine and he lived in the city. Will got vampires fake identities and I'm sure that Katherine was one of his clients."

"And Elena's okay with this little field trip? Just yesterday she was living the vampire high life. She doesn't want the cure."

"That's why I haven't told her and I'm not planning on her finding out so you calling isn't helping the plan."

"Damon if you get caught looking for the cure she'll bolt in a heartbeat."

"I'm aware of that, Stefan. What I'm hoping is that she's gonna be so wasted on booze and blood that she won't even think about it. Just relax?"

"You shouldn't underestimate her."

"If I can handle you when you flipped your switch, I can handle her. Trust me."

"Listen to me. She's ruthless without her humanity. The cure is the fastest way to get it back."

"You just keep Mystic Falls in check and let me do my thing. You've got an immortal named Silas to deal with, remember? I can control her."

"You better. If she gets out of hand then all the blood she spills will be on you."

"Relax brother. I got this."

Bonnie's POV

Silas is sitting across from me in the living room and I want him to show me his real face, but he's in the form of Shane.
"Take a deep breath, relax and trust me." Silas says.

"How can I trust you if you won't show me your real face? Don't you think it's a little creepy that you're appearing as my dead professor?"

"I told you that I'm Silas, I told you Shane died on the island. I'm trying to earn your trust." I just look away from him.

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