Stefan ' s 1864 Story

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Dear Diary

I don't know what to do ever since I found out about Stefan and Damon everything has been different. Damon drinks glasses or whiskey glasses of blood right in front of me. I agreed to talk to Stefan tomorrow about this. I can't stop thinking that he wants to drink my blood. No Elena Stefan wouldent. Great Damon's calling I better go.

Elena x

"Damon, hey why do you call?"

"Well Elena it's very simple I just need to know that your not going to tell anyone about us cause that would be bad. Bad as in me and your boyfriend would be killed." He says in that voice that you know has a little bit of a smirk.

"Okay Damon look A. I don't what I'm going to do or if I'm going to tell anybody, B. Stefan really isn't my boyfriend since the whole I'm a vampire thing and C. You do not get to tell me what to do. Is that clear?"

"Elena just don't tell anyone. This is something that you have to keep to yourself, bye now." I didn't even get a chance to talk back cause he hang up on me and that's just charming. 


"Elena thanks for coming to meet me. I promise I'll tell you everything I just ask one thing..."

"What Stefan? Oh wait let me guess Elena please don't tell anybody. Oh and how do I know that that would be the first thing that you ask? Damon called me yesterday and..." I can't even get to finish my sentence because Stefan is interupting me. "I'll start my story at the beginning. It was 1864 and Damon had just got back from war and a young beautiful woman like yourself came to stay with me and my family. My father took Katherine in (that was her name) and she was getting to know me and Damon better when one night she kissed me on the cheek and I felt something for her or at least I thought I did. She was compelling me and Damon. She was fooling around with the both of us. We believed that we loved her but it was all a lie. Then Katherine started to feed us her blood because if you die with vampire blood in you system you go into transition."

"Wait Stefan what's transition?" I say because to him this is normality but for me its completely foreign.  

"Transition is where you get a choice if you feed on human blood then you become a vampire but if you choose not to feed then you die. Back to the story so where was I? Right I remember. Katherine wanted to turn us so we could spend an eternity together but the council members or the founders what ever you want to call it did a round up of the towns vampires and Katherine was taken. Me and Damon tried to save her but we were shot and killed by our father. When we woke we learned that Katherine was burned in a fire at Fells Church. After she died me and Damon decided that we weren't going to feed so I went to see my father to say goodbye but he tried to kill me so I pushed him and he got hurt and his blood was everywhere and I couldn't resist. I killed my own father so I took Damon a human too feed on he really didn't want to but I forced him too. I'm the reason he's like this its all my fault. After we fed we were given daylight rings by Emily Bennett. Who was Katherine's handmaiden, but she also was a witch who owed Katherine. After a while Damon and I went out on our own and I didn't see him again until 1942 in New Orleans. I had enlisted in the war and Damon was supposed to join me but then he never showed and we went decades without seeing each other."

"It's a lot to take in." I say and my head is spinning. 

"I promise you can trust me and that you are safe with me Elena. You can hate me but trust me when I say I would never hurt you. And I'll answer any questions that you have." There's a lot.

"Let's start with the basics. When you google Vampire all you get is a world of fiction so which of it is actually true?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Well I know you eat garlic."


"And somehow sunlight is not an issue." The whole vampires burn in the sun is the first thing that you read. 

"Like I said, daylight rings. It protects us." He says holding up his hand which has a ring on it. 

"Crucifixes?" I mean vampires are supposed to be repelled by God or whatever. 


"Holy water?"

"Drinkable, its just water Elena." Right, of course it is. 



"Okay. So you kill people?" I ask taking a step back.

"No. Damon is the one feeding on people. That's not how I choose to survive. I drink animal blood."

"So you don't kill to survive?" I ask still unsure.

"No, animal blood keeps me alive but it means I'm not as strong as Damon."

"Wait, you said Katherine compelled you both. Have you ever done that to me?"

"No. I couldn't. There's a herb called vervain. I've given it to you. It protects you from being compelled by a vampire and I wanted to protect you from Damon and from me. I just want you to be able to make your own choice. No matter what." Stefan's phone starts to ring. He takes it out of his pocket and answers. "Damon what do you want?" I don't want to hear their conversation but I can't help it.

"I want my ring back Stefan. I know you have it." I hear Damon say. He sounds mad.

"Why would I do anything for you?" Stefan asks.

"Because I have the quarterbacks sister and I fed her my blood and I'll kill her. Unless you bring me my ring." Stefan hangs up the phone and he takes something out of his other pocket.

"Is that Damon's ring?" I ask.

"Yeah. I have to give it back."

"Stefan you can't."

"He's going to retaliate and turn Vikki Donovan into a vampire if I don't give it back." Stefan's phone vibrates and he looks at it and I can see his temper rising.

"What is it?"

"Vikki, Damon killed her anyway and now she's in transition so if she doesn't feed she'll die."

I'm sitting on my front steps and I'm thinking about everything that's happened today. Right now Stefan is looking for Vikki to stop her from feeding before it's to late. Damon killed her. And for no reason, other than he got bored. Stefan walks up to me with blood on his shirt. "You're bleeding." I say standing up.

"It's ok. I'm ok. It's practically healed." Right, vampire so he heals rapidly. "I'm sorry. I couldn't stop her."

"What does that mean?"

"She fed Elena."

"Oh my God." What are we going to do? What about Matt, this can't happen to either one of them.  

"I'll take care of it. I'll find her, and I will show her that she can live like I do. I will make sure that she does not hurt anybody, Elena. I promise you." I believe him I do but that's not going to fix anything.

"What are we supposed to tell people?"

"We'll come up with a story."

"You mean we'll come up with a lie." I hate lies. They ruin everything.

"I'm so sorry Elena. For everything. I never wanted this."

"Stefan I understand. I understand that you'd never do anything to hurt me and I promise that I'll keep your secret, but I can't be with you. I just can't. I'm sorry." I say then I walk into my house. I close the door behind me and I slide down it to the floor in tears. This wasn't supposed to happen. How did everything get so complicated so quickly?

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