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Sweat pricked his nape, strolling down to his back until they were lost somewhere under his pelt. It’s been hours since they arrived. They had not moved again though, not with the sharp arrow ends, pointing dangerously in their direction. The glare of the sun added to his misery, and to make matters worse, his heart was threatening to jump out of his chest. The beat had turned to a symphony of endless rhyme, and he could feel them as a lump at the back of his head. If he had known that they would compel him to carry out his plan, then he wouldn’t have suggested it. He would have sealed his lips with the blacksmith’s coal. Well, no need to cry over spilt milk. I am here now. I pray to the gods to help me out of this mess. I will never poke my elder’s mouth with a rod again. I swear to hold my peace and cage my curiosity after today. I swear by the goddess and the five gods of the land.

“I really need to take a pee.”

Jide smirked at the older boy’s words.

“Take a pee? Of all the moments in the world, you have chosen this critical moment to take a pee?”

Ginika did not answer. But from the sturdiness holding his almond colored skin, Jide could see through his fragile nature. He didn’t blame Ginika. If the silly plan was not as foolish as Jide himself, then perhaps, both of them would have been in the comfort of their homes, looking into the stars and smiling at their twinkle. 

Stupid thoughts. Jide shifted his weight to the other foot and held his hood as a gentle wind ruffled.

“Trust me,” Ginika gulped, “If I don’t take that pee now, I am afraid what the outcome might be.”

“Hold it,” Jide whispered and probed the men, whose arrows still glinted with the shimmering sun, “Look, those men would shoot us if we moved an inch. Likewise, I also need to take a shit. But I am trying to hold it. My stomach hurts. Do you think this is easy? Hold your pee and I will hold my shit.”

“I don’t care about your uneasiness. I just need to pee.”

“No, Ginika. I think you are a scared little chicken that runs into its mother’s fur whenever it sees a hovering prey. Hold your pee.” Jide mumbled, “This is our best shot. One funny move and you and me are dead meat.”

Ginika took in a deep breath and wiped his brow. If Jide’s words moved him, he didn’t show. He only held down the white tattered hood, trying to keep the wind from exposing his white skin. Even though their plans have worked so far, Jide was still worried. The enemy camp was some miles away, and one silly move will leave them at the mercies of death himself.

“Remember your role?”

“Ah, telling me to remember will not make me remember if I choose not to. May a day like this never come again,” Ginika hissed.

Any other day, Jide would have burst with laughter, he would have mocked the boy's silly impetus. But not today.

Averting his gaze, he tugged the white hood, careful not to pull away the weak threads. He never thought the plan would be so heavy on his shoulders. He hadn’t been thinking either. No one in their right senses would have cooked up this ridiculous plan. Plus, he had done all these things behind his father and the king’s cabinet member. King Nnaji was the only one who knew about this childish plan. The plan had been good though, and evacuating the rest of the villagers would have been the best thing. It was the right thing. A right thing that would keep us safe and running for the rest of our lives. The words of King Nnaji said in Jide’s head.

Jide licked his lips and cleaned his clammy palms on the white wool that rounded his body. There was truth in the king’s word, even though Jide hates to admit it. Anyway, the King had insisted they do something different, something silly and childish and secretive. Well, here they are, weighing the scale and tilting the balance of luck. If the gods play the dice with them and help them succeed, then victory and triumph would be their song for all time. But if the reverse becomes the case, if this stupid plan did not claim his life, Jide vows never to meddle with adult affairs again. He was going to stray off. As far as his young legs could carry him.

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