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At first, the rumble made him think of food, but the flashes from the east and the sudden drizzle that followed gave him a second thought. There were no sun or moon, stars nor heaven. Yet the rain kept appearing from nowhere and making him tremble. At the far distance, he could see a house, standing amidst the yellow flowers that stretched out to the distance until they were almost touching the sky. The roof was old, and the sidewalls tongue outward as if begging gravity for mercy.

Confused, he took a step forward, and then another and another, and before he could register the thought, he was running towards the old building. Something within yelled at him to hurry, the urgency was like nothing he had ever heard, and as he continued through the foliage of flowers, he couldn't bring an answer to the question; what was this place and how had he gotten here?

There was a loud shriek, distant but precise and almost calling out his name.

He stopped to look back, to see the owner of the unruly cry, but as though compelled, a hand or a force, nudged him urgently towards the house that was some strides away.

He wiped his brow and reluctantly, started running again. He could see the features of the house now. Unlike the dilapidated wall, the door stood in isolation, and the painted hinge gave him a feeling of comfort.

"You can't run from your fate." The shriek that had resonated initially said and though he hadn't looked back, he could swear that the creature or whatever it was, was almost catching up with him.

"Uche, Uche. Your fate has been sealed."

Sealed? Uche thought. He was panting now and fatigue prickled the sides of his thigh muscle, yet he kept running. The house was near some stone's throw away.

"The earth cries for vengeance. Your fate has been sealed. Rumor, rumor. Twice you have bitten the hands that had fed you, and thrice you shall pay."

Uche reached for the door, he was close now, if he pushed hard, he would get to the door first, before the creature caught him.

"This will be a sign for you." The creature laughed "Out of the ashes of a dying today, you will see the breaking of a brand new day, one that is far better than any you have ever seen. That which was lost would be found and the batch in the yeast shall be removed. Only then can the land be cleansed"

The voice sounded faint together with the tapping wings.

Uche paused in his wake. He was close to the door, some inches away, but he didn't reach for it again. Slowly, he turned behind and was glad when he saw the empty horizon. There was no voice, no wind, no sun or stars. Just the drizzle, the house, and the yellow petals of the flowers which were blooming…

Wait a second, this is not a flower. Uche held his breath as he plucked the plant.

It was a yellow mushroom, beautiful but for the red spot that caressed the body.

Uche dropped it immediately and held his ears as the words of the creature began to chime in his head. He turned back to the door, hoping to find solace in their abode, but to his dismay, the door was gone. The drizzle had also stopped and the mushrooms were beginning to fade.

"No, no, no!!!!"

Uche screamed and sat up.

"My Lord, are you alright?"

It's just a dream. Uche breathed out when he saw the dazzling eyes of Sachi. She hadn't turned out the torchlight and was dressed in her ceremonial uniform.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"A few seconds, I think." 

It felt like days. Uche hissed and walked up to his feet.

Somewhere in the compound, the voice of the talking drum followed in harmony with those of men and women. Their cheers were joyful, one he wish he would enjoy.

"What's happening?"

Sachi turned a confused gaze towards his direction. "Are you sure you are alright?"

"I am fine. Now quit giving me those pitiful looks and tell me what is going on."

She dropped her staff and walked towards him. He was sweating and hadn't noticed until she damped his face with an old rag.

"You are nervous, I understand. But trust me. I have seen men quivering at the thought of your name. Even death itself is scared to look at your face. This would be a good fight. You will conquer this one, I know you will."

Uche nodded but was not convinced. He had no memory of what she was talking about.

"Okay," Sachi laughed and patted his shoulders playfully when she saw the question in his eyes,  "if a quick reminder of your three weeks plan would get your confidence back, then fine." She took a deep breath and walked into his arms "Today is the proposed day. The day we ride into battle and slaughter Bozo and his army."

Her words lingered in his head for a while and despite the confidence in her eyes, he couldn't help brush off the words of the creature in his dream.

"Out of the ashes of a dying today, you will see the breaking of a brand new day, one that is far better than any you have ever seen. That which was lost would be found and the batch in the yeast shall be removed. Only then can the land be cleansed"

Maybe he was the new dawn. Maybe Bozo was the batch. Maybe he was destined for greatness after all.

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