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"What do they want?" Uche whispered as he peeled reluctantly from Sachi. It was an effort, one which made him swallow uneasily as he stared dubiously. 

A falcon feather held the crown of King Nnaji, who was engulfed by five men. They were bare chests, with red animal skin and white wristbands. Their sword was sheltered but the red reborn dangling loosely with the gentle wind merged with the threatening aura that hovered about them. Like the warriors of Ame, these men were fashioned for war. They were made for blood and blood alone.

"Whatever they want, you must not give in." The dibia said. Concern wrapped the side of her face, but like Uche, there was mistrust holding her captive. These people were not their greatest allies. Twice they had ridden into battle together and twice had they betrayed the people of Ame. 

"Your majesty. I regret disrupting this noble ceremony" King Nnaji said and break away from his men. "But it is with a heavy heart that I come crawling at your feet"

"To what do we owe the honor?" Uche asked.

"Trouble, my King. Trouble."

The flash that followed his expression mellowed Uche's heart and for the first time, he wanted to believe the King. Ame was not the greatest Kingdom when compared with the other villages, but it was fortified, and its warriors were more skilled than the rest of the village. It was no surprise that the king of Umudike and his people would seek refuge, even though they had crossed three villages to get here.

"And why do you think I should trust you and your people? How do I know this is not some strategic way to kill us while we sleep?"

"You don't," King Nnaji breathed in, "Our elders say that, when a goat needs a good scratch, it looks for a wall. But if a man needs a good scratch he looks for his neighbor. Awo anaghi agba oso eghighie n'efu"

"Our elders also say that a salamander and a lizard might claim oneness, but on the day of procreation, the salamander will always remain a salamander and a lizard. This is the day of procreation, my dear friend and King. We have your history and the last time I checked, your people are nothing but breadwinners of the devil himself."

"We all have our weaknesses." King Nnaji shifted the animal skin on his shoulders. "We are mortals, prone to error. But this is not the day of procreation, can we pretend to be salamanders and lizards? Can we fight side by side against our common enemy?"

"Common enemy." Uche laughed and walked away from his throne towards the King, "what makes you think I have an enemy?"

"You are young." King Nnaji nodded, "but what's on our heel is far greater than any of us, unless we join forces."

"I will never trust someone who betrayed my ancestors without remorse."

"Trust is a strong word."

Head turned as a young girl walked away out from the crowd towards King Nnaji, "we are asking for your help. We are asking for your blade. Men would die and children would be rendered motherless. Unless we fight together."

"And who are you?" Uche frowned as his eyes walked through her body lustfully. The girl had beautiful eyes and the long hair dangling behind added more gloss to her streamlined chocolate skin. Her legs were long and finer than those of Sachi or any other woman he had ever had combined. Do such elegant creatures still exist?

"I am Adaku, princess of Umudike village and heir to the throne."

"Heir to a throne that has been raided and burned to the ground by barbarians," Uche hissed and turned back to his throne. "You are welcome to our village. Do well to feel at home, while we wait for this enemy."

Murmurs and chatters rose amongst the people of Ame as the King ascended his throne. He could not hear what they were saying but the animosity in their eyes showed that they were not happy with his decision. Nobody was bold enough to highlight that, either because they were too naive or too afraid to say it.

"Are you out of your mind?" Fanyi said as he walked abreast with King.

Uche ignored him and searched the parameters. Sachi was nowhere in sight. That was a good sign.

"Do you want to build an alliance with the devil?"

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Even you should know that." Uche sat and stroked his brow as if suddenly tired.

"But an alliance with these people? Uche, are you thinking with your buttock?"

"It is king, Uche now," 

Fanyi's eyebrow elevated. He was surprised and was not bothered to hide it.

"There is only one nation that is strong enough to attack the people of Umudike." Uche continued "You should know how wicked King Bozo could be. He is power-hungry and would do anything to conquer every Amadi Kingdom in the land."

"I wouldn't blame him, Uche...I mean, King Uche" Fanyi cleared his throat and shifted his weight to the other feet.

"No one is pointing fingers. But when two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers. Do you propose we wait for King Bozo to crush us under his feet?"

"I propose we stay alive."

"Then watch and learn, King Maker. Sometimes to slay a monster, you have to become a monster."

Fanyi nodded. He was not convinced but kept to himself, and Uche was happy about that. 

"By the way," Uche said as his eyes went back to the disappearing crowd. Adaku stood by her father's side and they were talking in a low tone, "the girl, who is she"

"What girl...oh," Fanyi stroked his brow and followed the king's eyes, "she is young and naive, my King. Probably doing what she must to win her father's heart"

"Well," Uche licked his lips, "she has not just won her father's heart but has won mine as well. How soon can I have her on my bed."

Fanyi shook his head. "You are the king now, dear friend. And anything you want is yours. I will have my servants talk with her."

"Good." Uche laughed. Maybe being king was not as bad as he had envisioned.

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