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They strapped their hands on their chest and took the floor with their right knees. All thirty men, murked in bravery and fashioned by the hands of war. They were venturers of the unknown and the fear that chases even death itself. He couldn't wish for more. This was certainly the best. It was the greatest desire of any man who craves power.

His lips parted as he sat on the throne. 

"Igwe I ga-adi oo (long live the king)" they chorus in unison and march away.

Uche raised his scepter before crossing his legs comfortably. He was the seventy-seventh King of Ame, the youngest and the only one to have ever retrieved the complete set of the ijele masquerade. This was a dream come true, one which would remain evergreen until his last breath.

"All hail, Uche Maboza, the new King of Ame" Fanyi announced.

"Igwe ee!!" Came the thunderous chorus of the people.

The talking drum followed with harmony and then came the dancers whose steps obeyed the wooden gong. All around, men and women danced, and those that could not bring their body to the open circle nodded their head or tapped their feet. It was a ceremony of the age. A coronation of a king and spirit.

"You did it." A whisper from Uche's right.

"We did it," Uche said without looking, "if you haven't stayed by my side, I don't think any of this would have been possible"

"I am flattered," the Dibia giggled and rested her hands on his shoulders, "but I must confess, life means nothing without you."

"Says the woman who abandoned me to work in the shrine, what were you thinking?"

She squeezed his shoulders gently, "the spirits are no respecter of persons. Like a potter and his clay, we are handmade of the gods."

So much wisdom. Uche hissed and returned his attention to the people. The Dibia was not just smart but wise with the wisdom of the ten gods. Perhaps that's the reason he was finding it hard to resist her. She was the first woman besides Ejima he had ever liked. Twice he had made his proposal to bring her home as his wife and twice the people had informed him that the dibia was devoted to the gods. That's the reason he had broken every resistance to marrying her sister. He thought Amaka would fill the void. But to his dismay, it had turned out differently. The two were sisters, bound by blood and family, but they were two parallel lines. While the Dibia was smart, Amaka on the other hand was patched with foolishness. Uche had endured his fate and had tried to build love within his heart. Well, that went well, didn't it?

The women were still dancing but the different jigida on their waist contrasted their sweating traits. It was a rally of clans, according to tradition. Occasions like this require everyone in the village, both old and young, even livestock. Since it was rare and could happen once in a lifetime, nobody wanted to miss it, even unborn children.

"So, what next?" The Dibia's hands tightened on his shoulders, "you have everything you've ever desired. What are you going to do with this power?"

"That's the interesting part." Uche turned to meet the bright gaze. But for the white circle on her left eye, she had a lone wolf skin, hanging freely on her shoulders. It was a perfect attire for the perfect ceremony, but with her statues, it looked odd. He had never seen her like this, the red and black gown of the shrine was all the memory he had about her dressing.

"I would build an empire." He continued without complimenting her dress, "but first thing first."

"First thing? You look happy,"

"Of course." Uche stood and took her hands, "first thing." He repeated and held his gaze with her.

All around the music soared in all directions. Everyone screaming and sounding the melody of a new day. A melody of a new era. 

Uche did not hear any of it. His heart had skipped and every attempt to keep his hands from shaking had failed. All his life he has fought battles and had killed even the fiercest enemy. But her presence always drains his strength. How can he win this war?

"I want to woo you," he whispered and breathed out the relief. Maybe he was not going to die for telling her how he feels, "I want you to be my wife. But how can I spend forever with you when I don't even know your real name?"

"You know my name."

"The name that the people call you? That's not your name. You know that. They could label you with anything they like. But I need to know your name. Will you deny me the privilege?"

"It is forbidden."

"Say the law," Uche smiled weakly, "but you forget that I am the law."

She took a deep breath and pulled him to herself, "my name" she whispered for his ears alone, "is Sachi"

"Sachi" Uche pulled away, "will you spend the rest of your life with a mortal man like me?"

"Oh my love, it will be my pleasure." Sachs groaned but before their lips met, a loud gong resounded and the music and screams of the people ceased.

"Announcing," Fanyi yelled, "the royal house, King Nnaji. Ruler and leader of Umuwa Kingdom."

Uche turned and was surprised to see the King and his entire people. 

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