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How could they? Who gave them the right to murder my family in cold blood?

Jide eased his weight on the stones and stretched his elbow on his knees. Many thoughts scampered through his mind, thoughts of the past, the present, and what the future holds. Still, he couldn't give a clear hint on the possible solution to his dilemma. Coming here was a mistake. He wishes he had other options. Now, like a bird flapping endlessly in the water, he would get drowned in this ocean of misery and despair.

Darkness still loomed on the horizon, but the fog was paving way for the moonlight which was glittering through some peeping holes in the cloud. The night birds were singing aloof with the whispering trees, but somewhere, the swooshing voice of the stream kept perturbing the serenity.

Searching the floor, Jide picked a random pebble and threw it into the river. It was a habit, coming to a river whenever he was sad. Like his father, he had learned to drown his anger in the flowing waters. That way, he wouldn't have to hurt anybody or do something he was going to regret in the future.

But I have to go. These people: the queen and everyone, they don't have the answers I seek. Maybe I should look for my father's brother. Maybe he would help burn the village to ash.

He dusted his hand and was about to stand when a white light began to pulsate in the river, just a pace from where he sat. It started small at first but began to grow until they were almost the size of his fist.

Jide has not seen anything like it before and should be afraid. Yet, curiosity caged his consciousness and urged his feet forward. Inside the river, just within the parameter of the pulsating light, Jide was surprised to see a school of fishes, each bearing a sea leaf on its mouth.

Amid the crowd of fishes, two distinct fishes had dropped their leaves and were pricking each other's skin. Both were of the same species but one was bigger than the other. It was a chaotic sight, one which Jide could only interpret as some kind of fishy wrestling match.

As he watched, the big fish swallowed the smaller one after brutally shedding its skin out. 

The rest of the fishes clustered around the victor but disbanded again when another fish from the school seemed to challenge the victorious fish. Again, the two fishes started to prick themselves until the new challenger began to swallow the other fish. Once it was done, the school of fish converged around the new victor but disbanded again when a new challenger stepped out.

Jide kept a keen eye and could not help the amusement. A new fish usually comes out and challenges a victor. After killing it, it becomes a victor only to be swallowed by a new challenger.

Jide did not understand why the fishes were fighting or why the others kept spectating. It was impossible to draw conclusions.

The fishes converged and disbanded again. A new winner has emerged, but no challenger, and as Jide watched, a big fish swam towards the group. It was of the same species as the rest, but much bigger than any of the schools.

Jide drew closer, the new fish had swum into the circle and had challenged the new victor.

Like the previous times, the battle ensued and the two fishes started to shred the skin of each other. However, while the new victor kept shredding the skin of the bigger fish, the fish was calm and would not fight back. It could kill the smaller fish if it fought back, but instead of fighting, it just stood there, dying in pain.

Jide hissed and stood in rage, angry that the big fish would not fight back. Not willing to watch again, he scooped the wet sands with his hands and was about to smash it in the river when he noticed something.

The fishes had disbanded and the fighting had stopped. But for the dying light, there was nothing to suggest the fighting that had happened earlier on.

Jide dropped the sand, and slowly went on his knees. He picked the remains of the dead fish and shook his head with pity.

"Oh dear, why didn't you fight back?"

He walked out of the river but stopped when the answer hit him...

It was a lesson for him and thinking about it made him remember the warrior's code. 

"KIDAV" Jide whispered as the tears came rolling. His strength had given way and he found himself crashing on the sand.

The fish and the light, was the universe trying to converse with him?

Jide wiped his eyes. The warrior code, KIDAV, as it was called, was an acronym for Kill, Death, Anger, and Vengeance. It was a circle, one which every warrior was warned to avoid. According to the code, Killing causes Death, and the death of loved ones causes more anger. Anger also leads to Vengeance which invariably leads to more killing, more death, more anger, and more vengeance.

It is awful and impossible to quench fire with fire. He was like the fish in the water. Everything that has happened, was a lesson to him from the universe or the gods.

If he finds an army to avenge the death of his people, that would only stir strife and anger and more fighting. Maybe the children of the people he killed might hunt him and avenge their people. And so the circle would continue.

"KIDAV" Jide swallowed and dug the sand with his finger. Slowly he lowered the remains of the fish and covered it.

"Father," he said as he walked up to his feet, "if you are there, know that I love you. And I want to say thank you for showing me the true path. I see the reasons why you wanted peace. It is the only oil that would heal the hearts of the people. I see why you believed in Mary and Godson, I see why you choose to send me here. And I think I am ready to walk this path."

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