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It was his only place of solace, his last resort. Even as he walked blindly through the foliage of green, the word ‘I am your son’ kept his mind awake. It was a bold claim, and for the moment, Uche could have sworn that his powers had turned into water. He wanted to run into the boy's arm and wrapped his hands around him. If Bozo was his son, then everything he had been fighting for was useless. Bozo had the kingdom and the power, which Uche could lay claim to once he took the boy in as his father. He could have amassed the boy’s riches to himself since Bozo seemed to be richer than Ame a hundredfold. That way, he would have control of the land, and everyone would bow to him. But on the other hand, accepting Bozo would also mean accepting Ejima. And that was a curse he wouldn’t wish for his enemy, not while the woman was a bag of misfortune and evil. He would rather spend his days in poverty than accept Ejima into his home again.

Uche added pressure on his chest as he continued staggering through the forest. That he was still standing was a miracle. He had not pulled out the dagger for fear of bleeding to death, but he had managed to escape the warzone. If only he could see the face of Sachi, if only he could hold her and feel the hotness of her breath, then he would die a happy man, or perhaps she might have something on her sleeve to save his life. The woman was the mistress of surprise.

As predicted, the grasses gave way to the sand as the familiar shrine came into view. Sachi was nowhere in sight, and not seeing her seated gave Uche a heartache. What if she was not around? Would he ever see her face again?

“Sachi. Sachi. Sachi!!!” Uche fell to his knees as fresh tears came pouring out. The woman was not here. Maybe she had gone into the village, or maybe she had run away as he had instructed her. But where could she have possibly gone?

“I wish I could see your face again, my Sachi.” Uche wiped his foggy vision. This was his end and he was willing to embrace it. What pained him however was not ending Ejima’s life. He should have studied her moves, he should have known that the woman would never give up.

Placing his hands on the dagger, Uche readied himself. He was going to pull it out and bleed to death. It would be a painful death. He knew the process even though he had not felt it before. He had killed many people by stabbing them close to the heart, just where the aorta was. His death would be painful, but he was willing to buy his fate. Sachi was gone. This was the end for him. Better to die here than at the mercy of Ejima or Bozo’s troupe. The gods know what those two would do to him if they find out that he was still alive.

“Here let me help you.”

The approaching feet made Uche lift his head and to his surprise, he saw the dark-haired woman, walking in his direction. Has she been standing there all along? Why had she remained quiet to his call?

“We would have done great things together” She placed her right hand on his shoulders, “But look at you, mighty Uche in a sorry state, all because you failed one simple task. Kill Ejima, but your love for her had blinded you,”

“What are you talking about? I never loved that woman.”

“You believe it yourself don’t you?” Sachi shook her head before wiping the tears, “So strange how much we lie to ourselves that we start believing them. I have seen how deadly you are, Uche. Anyone you want dead stays dead. But Ejima’s case seems to be different. Your love for her is so much that you could hardly wield a blade.”

“Not now, Sachi,” Uche heaved. There was truth in the woman’s words, but he couldn’t accept it. Not in her presence and not in his condition. “Help me, please.”

“Oh, of course,” Sachi smirked and helped Uche to his feet. It happened in a flash, and just when Uche thought he had won the woman’s heart again, he felt another cold blade forcing its way through his stomach.

“Sachi,” Uche pushed her as the pain coursed through his body towards his brain, “Why?” He coughed and blood spluttered.

“You think I wouldn’t find out? Your proposal to marry the King’s daughter? You ditched me Uche. What do you think I am? A bag that you can just throw away? I gave you everything.” Sachi wiped her eyes again, but that did not keep the tear, “I gave you my life. I killed for you, I lied for you. I deceived the entire village, I betrayed my flesh and blood, all because I love you. Yet in a slight moment, you went off, with some random girl, waggling your lustful tongue like some foolish dog.”

Uche gnashed his teeth but remained calm. Everything he had done he had done for himself, and if given the opportunity again, he would do the same. 

“I am sorry,” He swallowed the metallic blood as he staggered toward Sachi. She was a pool of tears and did not flinch when he held her gently with his bloodied hands, “I am sorry I hurt you this way. Too bad none of us would live long enough to make amends.”

Sachi shot him a disbelieving glare and tried to jump back, but she was too late. Uche’s grip on her wrist was strong and in one swift motion, he drew out the dagger in his chest and thrust it into the woman’s throat.

“I…I…” were the only words that came from Sachi as she slumped on the floor, wide eyes staring into the distance but not seeing them.

“This life deems windows of the soul, distort heaven from pole to pole. Lead you to believe a lie when you see with the eye and not through the eye.” Uche laughed as he slouched on the dust, “Too bad how much we crave power and wealth and in the end, we leave emptiness and memories to take our place. I have learned how to become a human, but all these years, I was just a human but did not know what being a human really means. Read my epitaph and be wise.”

Uche coughed again. The life within him was ebbing away. Soon he would suffocate and die slowly. But before darkness claimed his consciousness, he saw vultures, circulating the sky, waiting, and at that moment, he remembered Ejima’s curse, ‘vultures would eat your flesh.’

“Stupid woman,” He laughed again, “I wish I never went for power and wealth. I wish I had kept our love." He coughed again as darkness began to wrap their ugly hands on him "Please forgive, Ejima. I really love you.” 

Uche took one last breath in before giving up the ghost.

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