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She swam through the wet foliage, using her free hands to keep the wetness from her skin. It was a futile effort since the wetness drove a chill from her barefoot to every part of her body. The sun had given way for the dark clouds, and the drizzling rain was just too cold on her skin. Since she assumed the role of working on the shrine, she has not been drenched by a downpour. And that was partly because she hated the rainy season for some odd reason. Plus, her experience with these people the last two years, was not a pleasant one. Even as she walked through the familiar path, she could feel her muscle and strength turning to water. If she had her way, she would have forgotten this mission and focused on winning the hunt. That would change the world. It would change her world for good. Wining the hunt would make her the rightful heir to the throne. It would be an amazing experience.

A delightful splendor crawled through her stomach and she wanted to swell with the alluring thoughts. But that would be counting her eggs before they hatch. 

She rounded a bend just as a bolt of lightning blessed the path with their brilliant elegance. Since she was not with any lantern, she was happy when the lightning revealed the clearing ahead.

Ejima hurried towards it but hesitated when she saw a golden light, virtually like the fist of a human’s hand. It was so insignificant and could have passed unnoticed if she hadn’t looked carefully. 

“Who are you?” Came a deep loud voice.

Ejima battled with the question, not knowing the right answer to give. If she gives out her name, they might recognize her and denial her entrance. And if she fails to provide an answer, they might also deny her entrance, or worse, kill her.

“A friend,” Ejima said 

Silence passed, with the rain, filling the space. Standing there was weird, and as she looked, the fire went up into the sky and started towards her.

Ejima did not give thought a room to reside in her heart as she ducked to the left, missing the flaming arrow by the hair.

“I am not your enemy,” She shrieked just as another lightning flared in the dark sky.

If those words were meant to do anything, the person that had shot the arrow took no warning. Rather, as Ejima contemplated, another lustrous flame appeared. Contrary to the first, this flaming arrow was closer and burning dangerously amid the drizzling rain.

I am not going to stand here and watch some random individual send me to the grave. Ejima gnashed her teeth. She drew her sling and dropped a stone on them. As if the force of the universe was with her, lightning flared, and just at the far side, next to the blazing arrow, she saw a dark silhouette figure, standing like some solid object. The apparition did not last, it was gone immediately as the light of the lightning went away. 

Perfect. Ejima’s lips parted as she tightened her grip on her sling. Everything slowed. She watched the flaming arrow, which was rising to heaven. But she did not wait for it this time. Taking her stance, she swung her sling with a force that almost pulled out her hands from her shoulders, releasing and directing the stones towards the direction of the flaming arrow.

Someone let out a loud yell from the dark and as Ejima watched, the arrow bearing the fire dropped to the floor and went off.

Wiping the water droplet that walked down her face, Ejima trotted towards the path. The lightning flashed again, and as Ejima came close, she saw the fallen arrow, but could not find any trace of the shooter. 

He must have run away. Ejima thought and continued towards the clearing. Unlike the first time she had come here, there were no running children. The streets were empty, doors were closed and the only thing that gave life to the village was the golden lights shimmering from the door slit.

EJIMAWhere stories live. Discover now