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The almond eyes flashed into Ejima's memory and instantly she could place the horny skin and the rich dark hair that had turned grey.

"My goodness. What happened to you? You look-"

"Old?" Mmechi laughed, "Ije Uwa. Constantly working on the farm, with the sun blistering its heat on your head could leave your hair as snow white as mine." She laughed again. "But those are the good days. It brought me here."

"You look fine." Ejima smiled. The woman's hunchback was gone and even though Ejima would love to know how she didn't ask. With the misery that came with the woman's condition, Ejima decided to keep that part aside. Unless Mmechi told her along the line, she was not ready to prey out the information. The past should remain buried sometimes.

"I never thought I would see you again." Ejima helped herself out of the bed. Mmechi was already lost in thought. The woman was once her servant. Ejima had taken her in after the villagers had condemned her because of her hunchback. But Ejima had sheltered her, they had remained friends until the day when Mmechi went missing without a trace. Some argued that she had died for her sins, others said that some strange wild animal had devoured her. Ejima could not tell. All she knew was that this moment she had a friend she could call a sister and the next moment she was gone, lost without a trace.

"I am sorry for leaving," the older woman said, wiping the tear from her eyes, "But it was worth it."

"Easy to say," Ejima grunted, "You left when I needed you most. Why?"

"I know, trust me, and no day has passed without the hurtful thoughts of how things would have been different. But mistress, it was worth it."

"Stop," Ejima blinked and her tears also calm rolling down, "I never liked that title, but you keep calling me anyway."

"Listen" Mmechi shifted forward and took Ejima's hand. "I did what I had to do. It was the only way to keep them alive."

There was something about the woman's expression. Her face had narrowed and even as Ejima held the gaze, she couldn't help the seriousness which had enveloped the woman.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your children." Mmechi added, almost jumping from her seat, "Your children, are alive."

"Stop. Not this again." Ejima hissed and looked away. "Insult me if you would. But please, not my barrenness. Please."

"I am serious," Mmechi squeezed her hands, "It was the reason I ran away. Okay, tell me, all your children that were killed, did you see their corpses?"

"All of them. I saw all of them...but" Ejima breathed out not realizing she had been holding her breath, "all of them, first." Her eyes widened. "I was told they died in my womb."

"Liars, liars." Mmechi heaved, but the excitement kept glittering the sides of her cheek. "You didn't see them because your husband was too ashamed. The elders had left the children to die in the forest." Mmechi smiled, "Two little cute things. I took them, Mistress. I trained them. It is the same reason why I had run away. I knew the elders would kill them. They are a miracle, just like their mother. Well, nobody in the village wanted a miracle. But I ran away with them. I trained them as my own, hoping that one day I would have the opportunity to pour out this secret. Your children are alive, Ejima. For the kindness you showered on me, it was the least I could do."

For some unusual reason, Ejima felt her heart beating under her chest as if they were about to break free. She could hardly breathe and every attempt only came out like hot air. Children? How could she have children? No, this is not happening. If it was a dream she should probably wake up. This is not happening. She would not go through that misery again.

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