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The goal was to try and frustrate her life, to take away everything she held dear, and finally bring her crawling on her knees. It was the original plan and maybe the only plan. That would keep her away from him, and set him free too. But it was harder than he had thought. All his effort to make sure he drives the nail of affliction into her struggling soul had ricocheted. If he didn’t know better, he would have believed in the supernatural forces, fighting her battles. But he was no fool. The gods do not fight for men. They only eat goats and chicken and whatever pleases their palate. And given the situation, he had offered his gifts to the gods and had sacrificed the best animal in his barn. So why have his plans not yielded fruits.

“Someone chose this lovely night to be worried. Again.”

Uche blinked himself back to reality. He took and kissed the extended hand before pulling the dark lady closer to himself. Her shoulders and stomach were soft to touch, leaving them exposed to the dry harmattan wind. She showed no sign of discomfort, but for the concern dancing in her eyes. It was another reason he had fallen in love with her. She knew the right call, the right question to ask, and the right place to touch him when they were in the mood.

“Couldn’t sleep. But it will pass, I guess,”

Nneamaka tried to force the smile, but a hard frown followed her expression instead. She was watching Ejima, who lay on the right side of the fire, hugging her bag. The woman was fast asleep. Her dagger and quiver were still hanging on her thigh and back. She had not unburdened herself, even though they had decided to take the time to rest, having traveled non-stop for two days. The woman trusted no one. She was keeping to herself, and that made her a difficult fish to catch.   

“Your time will come, my love.” 

“When?” Uche squeezed her hand, “When will that be? Every day I see her wretched face, hindering my sleep. I want her gone, anywhere but near me. This hunt was probably a mistake. I should have known she would be selected.”

“Don’t be a wood head. You did everything. Exchanging her bow on the selection day was a wise choice. Besides, will you have stayed at home and let these lowlife idiots rule over you as the next king?”

Uche shrugged and leveled his eyes on the people, lying on the forest bed. Most of them were peasant farmers that only knows how to keep livestock. None have wielded a sword before. Even the selected warriors among them were men that have served as escorts all their lives. They have not seen true battle or felt the weight of a sword under the heat of fatigue. If only the selection had been strict. These men are not fit for the hunt. It was a tragedy that everyone wanted to be king, wanted to be a lord instead of a servant.

“The throne is mine. It is ours,” Uche muttered, “I would rather die than watch any of these men become a lord over me.”

“That’s my husband, and if you believe it, the universe will serve it” Nneamaka giggled and tightened her hands around his waist.

They sat for a while in silence, with the crinkle and sizzle from the fire burning away what was left of the night. It was a three months hunt into the wild, a quest to retrieve the head of ijele, the king of all masquerades. Anyone who finds its head finds the strength, not only to rule over people but to rule over spirits as well. But the trick was finding its location. Some who had been in the hunt before claimed that it normally hides under the nine rivers beyond the mountain tops, as far as crossing the desert. While some others had claimed that only the meekest and bravest find the trail leading to its location. It was to this that Uche had decided to stick with the others. There was no map or clue to the destination of this mysterious masquerade. And wandering alone might leave him lost. He wanted to use these men. If they were smart enough to lead him to the hunt…

“My sister’s shrine should be close by.”

“And when did you ever care about family reunions?”

“Don’t be silly,” Nneamaka pulled away, “Besides, you are the man. You will need every advantage possible.”

“I can’t believe you are suggesting this right now,” Uche frowned. Of course, he had fortified himself before setting off for the hunt, but not in the hands of his so-called in-law. The reason was solely that the hunt forbids anyone from meeting the diviner of the kingdom. She alone knows the location and position of the masquerade.

“She is on our side, and is waiting to be push. I know she might have some secrets to unveil. If you know what I mean.”

“It is called, cheating.”

“No, love. It is called winning. Predators who play by the rules often go to bed hungry. Those rules were enacted by men, flesh, and blood. Even the gods break their own rule.”

“You are telling me to risk my life, my reputation, and everything I have worked for?” Uche’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Do you know what the elders do to hunters that breaks the hunting creed?”

“Who cares?” Nneamaka shifted her weight. She had picked a stone from the ground and was fiddling with it. “I am not telling you to break any rule. I only suggested you bend it. Bend it to your favor. Okwa aka mere azu ji gba ngo”

Uche rubbed his nose. His eyes were blazing now and he wished he could call the woman’s council a lie. It was diabolic and evil. But he was willing to snatch it. This was his fate. He would rather take the risk than play safe and watch someone else trample on his toes.

“Okay, I will go only if you go with me,”

“I would love to,” Nnamaka said and walked up to his chest, “But I have some unfinished business to attend to.”

Uche frowned and waited for her to continue. But the looks on the woman’s face said that she was done and would prefer not to be asked any questions. Uche didn’t try. He only swallowed and returned the kiss when her lips brushed on his. The woman was smart. The smartest creature he had ever known. 

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