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Ejima yawned widely, not bothering to cover her mouth. She rested her weight on the broom and allowed her bright gaze to wander through the place she now calls home. It was nothing close to the size of her husband's compound, and the dried leaves that carpeted the floor made her want to cuddle under her skin. Bloody cashew tree. She hissed and wiped the sweat drop that had strolled towards her eyelid. Leaning away from the broomstick, she continued with her chore, hoping to be done before the sun hangs on the centre of the earth.

But for the many trees, nothing stood for miles, just her small hut and the grasses. It would take about eight to ten miles before the next house could be seen. Seven weeks have passed since they drove her out of her husband's place, to this serene environment whose loneliness could make a ghost run out of wit. If hardship had not been her best companion all these years, she would have died of boredom.

Dropping the broomstick, she packed the gathered leaves into an old basket and disposed of them at the far side of the bush. This was her life now, serving the gods in this isolated place. Of course, it came with its advantage: she now has access to every food she could think of from the sacrifices the people offered to the gods. She was the priestess of the gods and could do whatever she so desires. But that in itself could not fill the void in her chest, or erase the memory of her past life.

"Wise one,"

Ejima lifted her head to the voice. A boy, no younger than twenty years of age, had burst into the compound, panting and sweating as though a horde of demons were on his heels.

"Wise one" He cried, stretching out his hands to reach her, but his feet gave way and the dried leaves in the compound crunched in protest as he fell on them.

Wise one?

Ejima's brow folded inwards. She has not completed her ritual yet and was not fit for the title. If the Dibia was here, she would have chastised the boy for using such sacred title for a novice who was still learning how to sweep the compound of the gods.

"Wise one, your presence is needed in the house of Maazi Ikemba"

"O gini (What is it)?" Ejima asked.

"Akunnaya..." The boy swallowed trying to find his breath "Akunanaya, Maazi Ikemba's wife, gave birth to those demonic babies."

The lines on Ejima's face deepened.

They are not demonic babies; you buffalo. She wanted to say. "That is not my job." Were the words that came out instead, "Why not call the Dibia? She is the one whom the gods have appointed to dispose the babies."

"I have checked her house, but I learned that she travelled to the neighbouring village and will not return until the next Eke market day. You are the only wise one in the village as we speak"

"Perhaps, you should go to her shrine and wait for her until she returns" Ejima picked her broom and returned to her chore, hoping the boy would let her enjoy the peace of mind.

"Please, wise one. Those demons are tormenting Maazi Ikemba's household with their cry. The tradition forbids anyone, but the one anointed by the gods to touch them. Please." The boy wept.

"But I am not anointed yet. I am still a novice. Or have you come here to mock me?" Ejima studied him dubiously.

"Curse be the day I was born if the thought of mocking you ever crossed my mind."

"Then return to the village and wait for the Dibia. The Eke market day is but three days away."

"The cries of those children would have killed everyone in the village before the Dibia returns. Please wise one, Maazi Ikemba has even threatened to kill his wife if the babies are not disposed of in the forest of Iyi before nightfall. Save a life, Biko (please)."

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