G! Sans x Male! Reader

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(So from what I read, the Gaster bros take place in two different AUs! Echotale(the one I think everyone is much more familiar with!) and Underpatch! Since Echotale is used more often, I thought I'd take a crack at Underpatch even if there's barely anything on it! Hey, author's interpretation amiright?~ (legit all I know is Frisk is toiny choild in Underpatch XD))

(Also I almost mistook the request as just Gaster until I reread it lol, that might be an interesting one though, reader being an uncle~)

(Edit: legit rewrote the entire thing cause I realized copy and pasting from a google doc doesn't work well. I have OCD.)

Requested by the lovely TortaDePoyo!~

"C'mon Sans! I've got a feeling we'll find something today!" you shout behind you as you run through the snow to the ruin doors.
You and your brothers have been going to this area almost every day now, searching for any humans that have passed through. The King just needed one more to be able to break the barrier, after all!
You slow to a stop as you reach the path, adjusting the scarf around your neck, seeing little shoe-prints in the snow. You grin and bounce on your toes, glancing back over your shoulder to see Sans following after in his usual pace.
"Hurry up! There's footprints!" you huff at him, and he chuckles
"Is there? Guess today's the underground's lucky day."
"Do humans normally have small feet like this?" You ask, looking back at the prints as Sans finally catches up with you. You'd never seen a real human before, just heard about them.
Sans however, has both seen a human and even delivered a soul to Asgore once.
"Mm, no. They're usually bigger, this human might be younger."
You hum to yourself, letting your gaze follow the tracks before your feet follow as well.
"You running off to find them, huh?"
"Yep!" you chirp, hands proudly on your hips.
"You realize they could be dangerous, y'know." he replies nonchalantly as he follows you again, but you can easily pick up on the underlying protective worry.
"I know! But this one's younger, right? Probably a child? How dangerous could they be?"
Sans shook his head as you ran off ahead, sighing with a lazy smile as he trotted after.
Crossing a hall, indeed, a human child who was currently covered in snow and slipping on various patches of ice.
You held out your hand for the human to latch onto,helping them get their footing I the snow before letting go.
"Well, would ya look at that." Sans hummed, coming up beside you, "There really is a human child down here."
"I told you!" you laugh, turning back to the child. "What's your name?"
You were pleasantly surprised to find the child using sign language, but quickly understood then with little to no effort at all.
"Frisk? Alright Frisk," you took the long end of your scarf and wrapped it around their neck to keep them warm. "Come with me, I'll show you around!"
You tugged then along, already knowing Sans wouldn't say anything.
He couldn't deny the look of pure glee on his littlest brothers' face after all.

Wooo! A request is done! I'm very rusty, but I hope this was okay!~

Undertale AU Sibling OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now