Underfell! Bros x Closeted! FtM! Reader

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(our first trans oneshot! Hope I did okay!)
(I feel like no one here is like this, but I'm putting this here just in case! Any comments that are offensive or rude to those who are trans or any other form of LGBTQ+ will not be tolerated. Follow the golden rule, treat others how you wish to be treated! Don't be rude!)

Requested by the lovely corvid, NinyanPurple22!~

This body just... didn't feel right. It was like your brain was put in the wrong body at birth, and had only just begun to realize it.
You were a bit afraid to tell your brothers, for the fear of being rejected or worse. So, for about a month now, you were using your magic to change your physical form. You knew you'd have to come clean eventually, but not now.
You needed more courage to come out of your safety closet.
You sat up after getting the wake up call from your boss, Papyrus. Yawning as you crawl out of bed, you head over to your mirror.
Frowning a bit at a few minor details, you use a bit of magic to change them.
You then quickly get dressed, fishing out clothes that are more boyish, instead of the majority of girly outfits you have.
You then head out to your patrol route.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Sans shouted, grabbing your attention. You frowned a bit, your name felt less like you now that you were starting to shift.
"Yeah Sans?" You replied, doning a poker face as you turned to him.
"Seen anything today? Boss is on edge cause none of us have found anything lately."
You frowned, an irritated Papyrus is never a good thing.
"No." You spoke glumly, wishing you had found something, "I haven't found anything worth noting."
Sans muttered a curse under his breath, beginning to look worried. "Sigh, well, our shifts are almost over, we might as well go tell him."
You nodded, following along after him.

"Did either of you find anything?" Papyrus hissed once you two were in view, clearly impatient.
"No..." You both replied, looking down.
Papyrus grumbled under his breath, clearly holding back from lashing out.
"Let's... just head back home for the day..."
As Papyrus turned and began walking, Sans began whispering to you out of earshot from Papyrus.
"Seems like something else is on his mind."
"Maybe the lack of finding something isn't what's bothering him...?" You replied, earning a shrug from your oldest brother as you three entered Snowdin.
Your pace stuttered for only a second, your attention being snatched up by a nice looking outfit in a shop window. There were so many ways you wanted to express yourself, but alas the fear of rejection held you back.
Quickly resuming your pace, you headed on home with your brothers.

That afternoon and night was one of the more calmer ones. Just some light bickering, good food cooked by Papyrus, and a go-ahead for an earlier bedtime.
The next morning was a day off, so needless to say you were surprised to see Papyrus looming over you.
"Come eat breakfast, we're going shopping later." He spoke with what you could've sworn was a smile before exiting your room.
Confused, you got up and began to get dressed. Like the day before, you picked something more masculine from your closet, trotting down the stairs as the smell of breakfast began to wake and lure you into the kitchen.
"Mornin'." Sans hummed, looking like he needed at least five more cups of coffee.
"Morning Sans." You replied, smiling your thanks as Papyrus handed you your plate of breakfast.
You and your brothers watched TV in comfortable quiet as you ate breakfast. You loved these kinds of mornings, where it was far calmer than any other day.
No yelling, no harsh orders, no fear, just you and your brothers.

You followed Papyrus and Sans through Snowdin, getting various things you needed.
At one point during your shopping trip, you looked over upon hearing someone snickering. Two monsters were watching you, making faces and gestures and then giggling to themselves.
You frowned, trying to ignore them, but their snickers kept finding you.
"Try to ignore them." Papyrus piped up, "Clearly they don't know how much courage it takes to express yourself the way you truly want."
"And if they keep messing with ya, we'll happily take care of em." Sans raised his voice a bit, making sure they had heard him.
"Now, where was that outfit you were eyeing yesterday?" Papyrus asked, glancing around.
Did... Did they know...?
"Oh uh... Over here I think."
"Good, and if you see anything else you like, you are more than welcome to get them."
Oh they definitely knew, Papyrus is never this generous if it wasn't for a reason.
And if that didn't convince you...
"So, you wantin' to be called something new?" Sans asked, catching up with the two of you, a knowing look in his eye.
"Yeah, uh... I think I'm gonna go with (new name)."
"Good, c'mon bro! Outfit's this way, right?"
You grinned wide, happily letting Sans drag you off with Papyrus trailing behind.

(Hope I did good!~)

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