(had to do some research lol, Wattpad didn't want to let me respond to comments XD)
(Also don't think I've ever gotten into the CQ series, but now I might XD)Requested by the lovely BrightFire123!~
You poke your head out from under the pile of blankets you were sleeping in. Error and Geno were still asleep, curled up in their respective places, but Fresh was wide awake as usual.
Pupils dilating, you took aim before shooting out of your blanket pile, streaking across the floor and straight onto Fresh's back. The momentum however, sent you rolling off and onto your back, leaving you dazed for a few moments.
Fresh stared down at you, an amused smile on his face as he shook his head at you. You rolled over once you got your bearings, immediately crouching in the i-wanna-play position. Fresh tilted his head at you, jumping out of the way as you tried going after his tail.
Movement from Error caught your attention, and so you ran over to him, patting him on the shoulder a few times and even squeaking at him.
One eye peeked open, a slightly annoyed look on his face. You purred at the sight of him awake, headbutting him. He grumbled at you, sitting up and stretching.
A glance to the stairs showed CQ coming down, still dressed in her pajamas.
You and Fresh both followed after her into the kitchen, Error and Geno padding in a few minutes after. You all had breakfast, and after you chased CQ down as she tried to leave for work, you were left with your brothers.
Error and Fresh were bickering a bit as usual, so before Geno could get upset you pushed your way in between them, distracting them by batting at their faces in an attempt to rile them up to play.
It did the trick and you got them both to chase you around, the soft jingle of toys reaching your ears as you batted one at Error, watching him jump out of the way as the sudden projectile came for his face.
For most of the day you played around. Sitting in the window and watching birds with Fresh, sitting patiently with Error during a reboot process, and having naptime with Geno. Every now at then, though, you'd all get distracted by a moth on the wall, batting it and watching in disappointment as it flew out of your reach.
Near the afternoon however, you went exploring, finding the window beside the backdoor cracked open. Curiosity striking you, you clambered out the window and into the grass outside. Not thinking of the danger, you immediately set out to exploring.
Grass soon changed into asphalt, and your fur stood on end as you got a closer look at the cars as they drove by. You stayed on the sidewalk, not daring to get any closer.
People walked by, paying you no mind. You had to jump out of the way, almost getting stepped on. Slipping into an alleyway, you found there were less people.
You froze at the sound of a deep growl however, your head whipping around to see a massive dog. Drool dripped from its jaws, sharp teeth as large as your paw were bared at you. You quickly backed away, finding yourself trapped in a corner.
You curled into a ball, shaking with each snarl before the sounds were cut off by a high pitched whimper. Glancing up you saw your brothers in between you and the dog, scratches on its face as it backed away.
Your brothers all puffed up and hissed, Fresh and Error stalking off to the sides to flank the dog if it tried to attack.
The dog didn't take any chances, not that it had any, backing away before turning and running off.
Your brothers immediately turned to you, eyes wide with concern. You scrambled to your feet, running to them as they built a protective circle around you.
After that day, they'd never left you out of sight, and you never wandered out of an open window either.

Undertale AU Sibling Oneshots
FanfictionYup! They're back! A thing I started back in my older account UndertaleKyannaKitty. They're your siblings now! Cute, edgy, as much angst as you want, sad-whatever! Requests are closed as I'm no longer writing for this book. Some milestones: #1 in Sa...