Underfell! Bros x Drunk! Sister! Reader

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(yay Underfell and drunk shenanigans!)

Requested by the lovely BrightFire123!~

Sans was trying not to laugh, and Papyrus could only look on in disappointment.
Because your drunk ass was stuck in a tree.
"Hey guysssss?" You slurred from the branch you drunkenly teleported to. "I think I'm stuck..."
"(Y/n), you are literally six feet from the ground, just jump!" Papyrus nagged.
"But that's sooo farrrr!" You whined, flailing a bit when you were lifted by your tallest brother. "Wheeee!"
Sans was most certainly getting kicked later, but he couldn't care due to the fact he was laughing too much at Papyrus' misery.
"(Y/n) you are banned from Grillby's for two weeks."
You could've given a crap less about the snickers you'd gotten as Papyrus dragged you back home like a sack of flour.
It was a normal thing for you when you were drunk, getting dragged home. Thankfully no one mocked you for it, for everyone had at least one drunken night that ended in doing something stupid.
And, as usual, by the time Papyrus had gotten you home, you were passed out.

You groan as you wake up, your head feeling like someone was taking a hammer to it.
And just great, you could hear Papyrus' loud voice giving Sans his patrol routes downstairs.
Guess letting you sleep in was his brotherly kindness for the day.
Trying not to vomit, you got up and got dressed in your usual attire. Something nice and big with spikes to make you look more intimidating, like a mix of your brothers' outfits with your own flair added.
Taking it one step at a time down the stairs, you were met with Papyrus waiting for you in the kitchen, a glass of water in hand.
You gave him an appreciative smile, carefully drinking the water so you didn't chug it and make yourself sick.
"You'll be joining Sans on his routes today," the lowered volume in Papyrus' voice jarred you a little, but you quickly recovered as he patted your head, a little healing magic to help with your hangover. "Text me what sounds good for dinner later."
And with that, he was out the door.
You blinked, dumbfounded. Shaking your head lightly, you finished off the water before heading out.

"Hey (Y/n)." Sans hummed as you walked up to his post. You happily gasped when he produced a take-out bag from Grillby's.
"You didn't!"
"I did."
He got you two orders of your favorite meal! You grinned like a dork and began eating.
"You're the best, Sans!"
"I try."

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