(not sure if I told y'all this but a while back I went to prompt care over some spider bites, I was fine just needed to take some Benadryl pills and cover the bites in Benadryl cream, but back to the present I just found a black wolf spider in my bathtub. My first thought was "NOT AGAIN B*TCH". Anyways crisis has been averted thanks to my shoe.)
Requested by the lovely lostabandonedsoul!~
"You like my sister!?" You whisper-yelled, Noelle's hand quickly covering your mouth.
"Yes! And I need your help!"
"Excuse me!?" You had pulled her hand from your mouth, only for it to be smacked back on.
"Be quiet! Please!"You and Noelle had come up with a plan. Starting at Susie's locker, you would leave a trail of notes to the back of the school, where Noelle was waiting with the actual love letter she would be handing to Susie. Knowing how it is to be shy, you thought a trail of notes leading to a love letter would be a perfect Noelle-kind of idea.
You and Noelle only had a limited amount of time to set up though, seeing as Susie was usually quick to start heading home.
You both bolted out of class once the last bell ring, Noelle ran towards the back of the school, and you quickly began leaving notes.
The first note said "Someone wants to speak with you about something important! Please follow these notes! Your first destination is the cafeteria."
Slipping it into her locker, you ran to the cafeteria to leave the next.
You knew Susie wouldn't get interested unless food was involved, so that's where you designated the second note to be.
The lunch ladies had also been a part of this plan and left a treat of chocolate for Susie when she would retrieve her note. You also dropped a box of chalk there for her as well.
Second note read "Hope you like this treat! You next location is outside by the gym set! Hint: Your next note is hidden under something gray!"
Running to the gym set outside, you grabbed a decent sized rock and set the note down on the balance beam set up outside, placing the rock over it so the note wouldn't fly away.
That was the last note, and it read "Your final destination is behind the school, just under the great big oak! Someone is waiting for you there."
Proud of yourself, you turned and went to wait by the front of the school where you usually would when you were waiting for Susie.
Well, you would be.
If you didn't turn around and run right into her.
"So who's your partner in crime, (Y/n)?"
"Me? Nah, I didn't plan anything with you. At least, I don't remember planning anything."
She was grinning down at you, a chocolate smear on her right cheek and a piece of chalk tucked between her teeth.
That grin meant one thing, you were caught.
You stammered for an answer, and finally whimper in defeat as you stepped aside for her to get the final note.
Thinking you were off the hook,you tried slinking away.
Yet, your beefy ass sister grabbed your wrist, preventing you from going anywhere as she dragged you to the back of the school."Oh dear,"(hehehehe) Noelle sighed, giving you a look of pity. "I see you were caught."
"I always know when (Y/n)'s scheming. So what's the deal?"
It was Noelle's turn to grow red and flustered, and she held out the final note for Susie.
Susie took it, muttering a remark about how you both were so alike before trailing off, her face slowly growing more and more red.
Susie stumbled over her words for a moment, something you've never seen her do.
Growing cheeky, you began to back away. "Think I'll leave you two to it."
Noelle gave you a small wave as Susie was still trying to process the words in front of her, as if she wasn't reading them correctly.You sat on the school steps, playing games on your phone while you waited for Susie and Noelle. Glancing up at footsteps, you spotted them, Noelle waving to Susie before taking her route home.
"So, you got a girlfriend now?" You grinned hopefully.
You were expecting a rough shove like you'd usually get when teasing Susie, but instead she gave you an embarrassed, but warm smile.
"Yeah... Now c'mon," She coughed, reverting back to her rough n tumble self, "There's a pizza at home with our names on it."

Undertale AU Sibling Oneshots
FanfictionYup! They're back! A thing I started back in my older account UndertaleKyannaKitty. They're your siblings now! Cute, edgy, as much angst as you want, sad-whatever! Requests are closed as I'm no longer writing for this book. Some milestones: #1 in Sa...