Joke Fic lol

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So got inspired by Underverse and the little nightmare Error has.
So here's Error and Ink's sibling(aka you!)

Error flopped back against his bean bag, creating a small window for his show Undernovela.
"SiGh... TiMe FoR a WeLl DeseRvEd BrEaK. i HaVe AlL i NeEd. ThE vOiD, dElIcIoUs StOlEn FoOd, My FaVoRiTe ShOw, AnD (y/N)."
Wait a moment.
You blinked at him, your abnormal white eyelights watching him. "Howzzitgoin' Error? Mind if I sit for a bit? It's been a long day." You turned to the little TV portal he had. "I should probably get my brothers' vials and use them to conduct evil plans against you—"
"UGH! FiNe WhAtEvEr—WaIt WhAt!?"
"Shhh, the shows starting."
A bit into the show, you actually startled Error when you spoke again.
"Wow, this is pretty good."
" I kNoW! sHuT uP!"
Further into the show, it began to get weird, Cross and X!Chara somehow showed up, and Ink somehow got into it as well.
Error was fuming, glitching out and shaking. Eyelights glued onto the portal, you simply reached over and patted Error on the head.
"I sWeAr!!! WhEn I gEt My HaNdS oN iNk I'lL... i'Ll..."
Error trailed off, seeing you holding up a red vial.
"You'll wait until the show is over. Now sit back down."
Grumbling to himself, Error slumped back down in his bean bag, sulking quietly as the show continued.

Undertale AU Sibling OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now