(First time writing this AU! Hope I did okay. Kinda made the reader like an older sibling in this, hope that was okay!)
Requested by the lovely corvid, @agoodfuckingname !~
(Slow data means I can't tag properly sorry! Moms working to get it fixed because me and dad run out in like a week of new data, which shouldn't be happening at all)
(Listened to LOONATIC (Eng. Ver) by LOONA / ODD EYE CIRCLE on loop while writing this)You and Papyrus floated through the wall, eyes landing on Sans. He was picking at his bones again, peeling off old bandaids and at the cuts and scrapes underneath them.
With Papyrus, you floated down, smiling as he perked to your presence, and began quietly replacing the bandaids.
"You'll hurt yourself if you keep doing that." You murmured softly, patting his skull once you were done. Sans nodded, happily sitting criss-cross as your and Papyrus settled down next to him.
While no one was around, you three had begun several games of tic tac toe, using a chalkboard Sans was supplied with to play. One of you would hold the board while the other two played a round, then you'd switch, so whoever won the last game would end up holding the board.
You unfortunately had to stop at several points, when a worker had come in to check on Sans, asking about food and whatnot.
They questioned the chalkboard at one point, looking a bit confused when Sans replied he was playing with you, but nonetheless they didn't press that day, merely going about tending to his other needs.
Papyrus frowned at the sight of Sans eventually beginning to pick at his food. "Are you not hungry anymore, brother?"
Sans shook his head silently, glancing longingly at the door.
You smiled a bit. "Let's go explore! If they ask we'll just say we got bored in our room!"
Sans brightened instantly, getting to his feet to follow you. He couldn't quite reach the door handle, so you happily turned it for him. Sans waddled out of the room in excited glee, looking around at his new surroundings.
You've had time to explore this place, so you led Sans to a garden they had, knowing he'd love it. Sans grinned widely at all the new and vibrant colors, reaching out to let his fingertips gently brush the soft petals of a tulip.
"Be careful with these!" You warned, pointing to the roses, "They have thorns, and they're sharp and painful."
"Sharp and painful..." Sans repeated quietly, putting the words to memory and he walked over, admiring the blossoms. You led him and Papyrus around the garden, showing him the pond of fish as well.
Eventually, as it began to get late and Sans began to tire, you and Papyrus led him back to his room.
"Sans!" One of the workers spotted him on your trek back, rushing up to him. "There you are!"
"I went exploring." Sans explained quietly, holding up the rose he'd somehow snagged without your notice. "It got boring in my room."
The workers sighed in relief, reaching down to pick him up. "As long as you're not hurt. But next time find someone to go with you, we don't want you getting hurt with no one around."
Sans was about to retort that he was with someone, but you shook your head, and so he settled for a nod, falling asleep as soon as the worker had set him in his bed.
Papyrus flopped down next to him, falling asleep as well. You smiled down at them, taking the rose from Sans' hands down it wouldn't get squished and setting it on the nightstand.
After that, you flicked off the lights, moving to settle down with them.

Undertale AU Sibling Oneshots
FanfictionYup! They're back! A thing I started back in my older account UndertaleKyannaKitty. They're your siblings now! Cute, edgy, as much angst as you want, sad-whatever! Requests are closed as I'm no longer writing for this book. Some milestones: #1 in Sa...