Ink x Reader

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(so sorry for the delay on requests, been unmotivated and depressed and all that. Also, if you haven't seen my latest posts about my username (the one on Aug 14, 2021, and the chap just before this one), you might be surprised to see CrowBorn666 instead of Computer Dragon! I'd recommend you check out the post for my reasoning, but I'd glad for the change! Now, fly off with this request I've given you my lovely corvids!)

Requested by the lovely corvid, honeyedskies!~

(And yes, you've upgraded from Lovelies to Lovely Corvids.)

~Ink's POV(3rd person)~
Ink sat in his realm, staring up at the papers. The AUs were peaceful, and Error was too busy dealing with Fresh, whom had gotten stuck in his realm and decided to stay.
It was quiet, and Ink's to-do list was empty.
Ink sighed heavily, staring down at his paint brush as he sat on the floor, cheek in his palm.
He was bored, simply, utterly bored.
He began to wonder what it was like to have a sibling or two. He knew some of his alternative selves had a sibling, sometimes even going off the usual timeline and having another younger sibling.
He twirled his paint brush once, twice, glancing up at the papers again.
What kind of sibling would fit him though?
Something like Undertale? Or maybe with a tinge of edginess from Underfell, or the sweetness of Underswap?
He pondered the thought for many hours, and after some time finally decided.
It didn't matter what his sibling would be like, a sibling alone would be enough for him.
Although, a drawback would be a lack of Soul. He didn't have one for the new body, and didn't know where one would be, so without one, he would have to teach them everything, from walking to speaking.
Nonetheless, he began.
He began with the form, neither too feminine nor too masculine, somewhere perfectly in-between. He gave them eyes like him, and a few ink splatters like the one on his cheek. Something for the both of them to share as siblings. He gave them clothing in browns and grays, which faded into a rainbow of color at the ends. He pondered over them, resisting the urge to fix the tiny imperfections, wanting his sibling to be realistic with flaws, and wanting them to know they didn't need to be perfect.
Once he was satisfied, he stepped back. With a final look over, he poured some magic into his new sibling, bringing them to life with the gentle tugs of his magic.
It began with a soft intake of breath, the slight twitch of their fingers, and then their eyes slowly opened.

~Your POV(3rd person)~
You opened your eyes, looking down at your skeletal hands. You slowly curled them around the pair holding yours, lifting your gaze to follow the arms attached and soon the face.
The stranger smiling warmly at you, speaking in a soft tone.
"Hi. Can you hear me?"
You slowly nodded.
"Good. My name's Ink, and I'm gonna be your big brother! You're name is (Y/n)."
You let out a few small squeaks, your attempt at repeating the names.

Time went on, Ink carefully teaching you the basics of living. He introduced you to Dream and Swap early on, in case he had to leave to deal with Error and you needed someone to watch you. The two of them were just as patient as Ink, even helping you speak better.
Whenever Ink would return you'd jump up with a warm smile at him and a gentle hug, then you'd frown at any injuries he had like they betrayed you in some way.
Ink taught you how to paint and draw, and while you weren't as good as him, he'd smile at your attempts anyway.
You'd met Error in a series of rather unfortunate events.
You were in the creation realm, simply working on some paper crafts when you were pulled and strung up in webs of blue strings.
Ink had told you about his enemy, so when you saw the glitchy skeleton beneath you, deciding where to strike first, you simply used the scissors you had been holding to cut the strings.
One moment you were in the air and the next you were sitting on Error's back. The impact alone had him in a reboot process, so, still sitting criss-cross on his back, you went back to your paper crafts.
Ink had stumbled upon you, first worried then very confused. You explained what had happened to him, quickly jumping up off of Error when he groaned.
Soon enough, Error was scared off from Ink merely reaching for the vials on his sash, and you distracted Ink from his irritation with colorful crafts of flowers and hearts.
Someday, you hoped of going with Ink on his mini adventures, but your magic was still that of a child's, so you were fine with waiting until you were strong enough.

(Hope I did well for ya!)
(Btw I'm willing to talk about stuff that been going on in my head if y'all wanna know, I'll prob keep it short n sweet but if anyone wants to know or give a listening ear lemme know where I should post it(like on my profile in the convos, or a separate part in this or my "Get To Know Me!" book.))

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