Requests/Sneak Peeks

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Hewwo my pretty birds!
Came up with a few ideas I'll try writing in a bit, but I wanted to let you know what my current preferences for requests are atm! In AUs I mean, ones I feel most comfortable or would like to try writing for if that makes sense!
Now by all means it's not a limitation, you may request anything you'd like so long as it stays within reason!

AUs I'd like to try and write for:
~ Underfell (always)
~ Werewolf AUs (mainly the main three(Tale, Swap, & Fell))
~ Birdtale
~ SwapFell/FellSwap (please specify which one, I can never remember which is purple, and which is red)

Sneak peek into next oneshot:

You tugged on his arm, your eyes practically begging. God why did your second oldest brother have to be so damn stubborn?!
"C'mon! We gotta hurry!" You hissed through clenched teeth, not liking the way your brother's movement were growing stiffer by the minute, "Sans and Frisk probably broke the barrier by now! So once we get you to the surface, we can... can..."
Your fight was escaping you, his lack in response was scaring you to tears.

Undertale AU Sibling OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now