Swapfell! Skele-Family x Fem! Reader

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(Small note! I keep seeing people asking for like dating or reader in love type requests, and while there's nothing wrong with that there are times where it's a bit uncomfortable for me to think about writing! Wanted to put this here so people don't think I'm ignoring them. Basically think of me writing them as a once in a blue moon kinda thing!)
(Not a request! I reallllly just wanted to write the reader as an aunt to the skelebros! And as you can see in the picture above the title I did my research!)

You huffed as you walked into your brother's home, looking down as Sans and Papyrus ran up to greet you.
"Hey squirts." You grinned, bending down to scoop them up. "Your father already gone out?"
"And you've been keeping good and quiet? Not bothering with anything?"
You carried them into the kitchen, since Gaster had texted you about dinner. Setting them in their respective seats at the table, getting out paper for them to color on while you set about cooking tacos.
It was pleasantly quiet as you cooked, and soon enough you had set out plates for the two boys. Setting a plate aside in the microwave for your brother whenever he got back, you made yourself a plate and sat down.
It was peaceful, being here with the two of them. You usually dealt with annoying brats and rowdy teenagers where you lived, so being here with the two of them in tranquility was a nice change of pace.
"Auntie?" Sans piped up, looking at you with big eyes.
"Yes, Sans?"
"Are you a part of the Royal Guard?"
You smiled, seeing as the quest caught Papyrus' attention too. "And where did you hear that, hun?"
"Dad said you were a part of it! He said you help protect the King and Queen!"
"That's right." You hummed, collecting the now empty plates and getting to your feet. "I fight those that believe they can bring harm to the royal family."
"That's so cool!" Papyrus gasped, jumping up with Sans to come crowd around your feet.
"Can you teach us some battle moves?" Sans asked, tugging on your pant leg.
"Maybe when your a bit older!" You laughed, rinsing off the plates with your magic as you bent down to scoop them up. "Now, c'mon, it's getting late, and it's time for bed."
You carried the brothers upstairs, letting them get changed into their matching purple onesies before tucking them into bed. They both insisted you read Fluffy Bunny to them, and so you did, only realizing until you'd finished the mini story book that they were fast asleep.
You smiled softly, running a hand over each of their heads, whispering a soft goodnight to each of them before plugging in a nightlight and leaving the room.

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