Underswap! Undyne x Older Sibling! Reader

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(I took artistic liberty on what you look like, I was bored and wanted to mess around with a sequin pen in ibis paint for scales lol also I hope it didn't end up too masculine! Was trying to find a middle ground (also also, the hairstyle is one I'...

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(I took artistic liberty on what you look like, I was bored and wanted to mess around with a sequin pen in ibis paint for scales lol also I hope it didn't end up too masculine! Was trying to find a middle ground (also also, the hairstyle is one I'm getting once I graduate!(my grandmother may skin me alive if I do it before graduation XvX)))

Requested by the lovely NingningPurple22!~

Without a word, you took the boxes Undyne was struggling with from her hands.
"O-Oh (Y/n)! I didn't hear you come in!"
"Napstablook let me in."
"I-I see."
"So where to?"
"Oh! This way!"
You followed her through the lab, setting the heavy boxes down onto the table she gestured to. "So what's in these boxes anyway?"
"Napstablook wanted a few upgrades, so I gathered up any materials I could find to see what I could work with."
"I'm guessing there's more boxes then?"
"Y-Yes..." Undyne replied sheepishly, smiling with that awkward smile of hers whenever she wanted something from you. You let out a small laugh.
"Alright alright, I'll help ya."
You spent the next half hour moving boxes for Undyne, sneaking peeks over her shoulder at Napstablook's blueprints.
"So how's training with Alphys been, (Y/n)?" Undyne piped up, scribbling away in her notepad.
"A bit on the brutal side." You admitted, taking a moment to stretch, wincing at the ache from a bruise on your side, "Never knew someone so short could pack just a hit!"
Undyne let out a small laugh. "I've always got first aid kits ready when you need them, evel knievel."
You stuck your tongue out childishly at her, knowing she was referencing the fact you ran to literally anyone screaming "fight me!" when you were younger.
If she hadn't stopped you, you probably would've gone straight to Toriel herself.
The day passed with box moving, note-taking, and playful banter between the two of you.
Napstablook came home to find you both passed out on the couch, empty ice cream tubs and noodles cups strewn about as the menu of an anime disc played on repeat, waiting for a option to be selected.
He shook his head at both of you, covering you both with a blanket and picking up the empty containers for you both, even turning of the tv before turning in to bed.

Undertale AU Sibling OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now