Fell! Lancer x Older Brother! Reader

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(Not a request! I need to delve more into the Deltarune AUs)
(Def didn't take hella inspo from the Queen of Hearts, her castle moat and Stain from Alice in Wonderland. No not I.)

You swung your spade axe against the dummy, testing its sharpness and grinning at the perfect slice.
"Perfect. The best sharpness for the Executioner Prince!" You boasted to yourself, turning as the door clicked open. The distinct sound of Lancer's crying reached your ears, and you spun around to see him lingering in the doorway, rubbings the inside of his palm against his eye to wipe his tears.
"What is it Lancer?" You spoke, your tone uncharacteristically gentle as you knelt down, setting your axe aside and opening your arms. "What's happened?"
Lancer's breathing hitched as he fought a sob, rushing to your awaiting arms. You scooped him up, holding him with one arm as you grabbed your weapon and stood.
"Tell me who's head needs to roll in Father's moat." You murmured, waiting for him to get ahold of his breathing.
"One of t-the Spade guards..." he finally murmured, voice a bit muffled by your cape, "They-They're making fun of me again."
You sighed, pressing your cheek to the top of his head. "Don't worry, I can deal with them."
You carried him up to your room first, barking an order to Rouxls along the way.
"Milk and cookies, stat!"
Once in your room, you set Lancer on your bed, letting him mess with the blankets and pillows however he wished.
"Do you want me to stick with you for a bit or go deal with the guards first?"
"Stick with me?" He mumbled, wrapping your comforter around his shoulders, "...I wanna watch when you go to the guards."
You grinned at him, plopping down next to him on the bed as Rouxls came in with your milk and cookies.
You let Lancer cry out his frustration and embarrassment over the cookies you both shared, giving him reassurances.
"The guard laughed at your battle performance?"
"Yeah." Lancer mumbled, dunking another cookie into his glass of milk.
"I'll deal with him don't worry. And if you want I can teach you a thing or two."
"Really?!" He looked up at you, looking bright and hopeful at your offer.
"'Course! Once you're done we can go deal with those guards, and the sooner they're dealt with the sooner I can teach you."
Lancer grinned happily at you, feet swinging off the edge of your bed as he ate his cookies.
With Rouxls carrying Lancer and following at your side, you marched through the halls, axe in hand.
You kicked the doors open with enough force to make them hit the wall, your voice ringing out clearly.
The guards all jumped at the sound of your voice, quickly getting into line as you began pacing down the line.
"One of you has insulted my younger brother. Was it you?!"
"No, your highness."
You continued down the line, lifting your axe as a threat. "Did you?!"
"No, your highness..."
"How about you?!"
"No, your highness."
Before you could speak with the fourth one, he was quick to jerk his chin up a slight bit, discreetly nodding to the guard who currently had his head down casted.
You have a quiet nod, smoothly turning on your heel and slowly walking back down the line. You stopped in front of the guard that was pointed out, hearing the nervous gulp like a pin dropping in a silent room.
You turned slowly to face the guard, lifting your axe just slightly as you whispered. "Did you insult my brother."
Another gulp. "No, your highness."
You lifted a brow, glancing back to Lancer.
"Is this him, Little Brother?"
Lancer nodded, staring at the guard as he was cradled in Rouxls arms. You turned back to the guard, a sickening grin on your face.
"Y-Your majesty pl-please—"
"What should we do with him, Lancer?" You cut him off, your voice still soft.
Like your own sickening grin, Lancer mimicked it. "Off with his head!"
"No! No please!"
"You heard my little brother!" You barked out a laugh, "Away with this fool!"
As the ex-guardsman's begging faded you turned back to Lancer, who was begin placed on his feet.
"C'mon, let's teach you a few things."

(hehe hyperfocus go brrrrr)

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