Ccino x Little Sibling! Reader

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(Don't know much about this AU, sorry if I didn't do it justice!)
Requested by the lovely corvid, @honeyedskies!~

You and your brothers were ecstatic! The human had just released the monsters to the surface, and now you three could chase your dreams! You all reopened your Cat Café up on the surface, and little by little, day by day, you three managed to save up enough to send you off to school.
You were excited, albeit a bit nervous.
The humans hadn't really accepted monsters yet, despite their ambassadors' efforts. Still, you were excited to go!

The teachers were kind enough, helping you whenever you got stuck and explaining things you didn't understand. The other students however, weren't so nice...
They did more than just call you names and pick on you, they pushed you around and tripped you in the halls. One even threatened to hurt you before a teacher managed to step in.
By the time school was let out, you were covered in dings and scuffs. Still, despite the bullies, you were still your cheerful self, knowing you got to go to school like you'd always dreamed.
You entered the Cat Café through the back door, setting your bag down before heading to the kitchen for an after school snack. As you turned around from the fridge, (fav flavor) pudding in hand, you jumped at the sight of your oldest brother, Ccino.
"What happened?! Why are you hurt?" He trotted up to you, taking your arm and beginning to heal the scuffs away.
"The other students don't seem to like me very much." You replied, letting Ccino guide you to a chair. "The teachers were nice though."
"Are you comfortable going back tomorrow?"
"Yep!" You hummed happily, sticking a spoonful of pudding into your mouth. "I can't let those bullies get me down!"
Ccino chuckled at you, patting you on the head before continuing to heal the scuffs and cuts.

(Don't let any bullies get in the way of your happiness!)

Undertale AU Sibling OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now