Yup! They're back! A thing I started back in my older account UndertaleKyannaKitty.
They're your siblings now!
Cute, edgy, as much angst as you want, sad-whatever!
Requests are closed as I'm no longer writing for this book.
Some milestones:
#1 in Sa...
(I was asked for angst and death and I'm here to deliver)
(Also before we begin. I have a new Undertale OC.)
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(Drew this a while ago. This is Candella!(u like the candle pun?) She's a fire monster much like Grillby, and in fact she works as a waitress for him! They aren't related in any way, and this is her casual outfit in the Undertale AU, might draw her UF outfit later. (The fire was soooo fun to draw))
(Also someone posted a story, tagged me, and said I was an inspiration to them and to say I cried is an understatement of my reaction.)
Requested by the lovely corvid, @Noodle_Tale6!~
The Snowdin winds seem colder than usual as you ran into the woods, one hand held against the crack in your skull. You were sick of it! Sick of it! Just because Papyrus was captain of the royal guard, that didn't give him any right to abuse you and Sans. He pushed you too far almost every day, leaving you to cry in your room late in the night and wake you far too early. Sans wasn't much help either, too busy catching Z's when Papyrus wasn't looking or telling you to suck it up like he did. So you ran. You ran away to go survive in the Snowdin woods, at least that would be ten times easier than being beaten around everyday. You had your own hidey-hole from when you'd run off before, and if needed you could find money in the snow poffs to buy food from the Nice Cream Guy or the shop in Snowdin. You sigh as you slowed down from your sprint, you were far enough away now, and if you needed, you could teleport. You knew these woods best out of your siblings, you could hide away for a while. Maybe... go live with the lady beyond the door if you had to. The winds are loud around you, the snow crunching under your boots, the flakes falling sticking to your clothes, making the crack in your skull ache. As the storm grew more and more, you were debating on just going to Toriel now, offering what you could to be able to escape your miniature hell. You blinked, something other than snow hitting you in the face. You brought your hand up to wipe it away, the substance feeling powdery. "What the...?" You murmured, "Is this dust...?" You glanced up, squinting into the snow to see a figure walking towards you, the glint of a sudden weapon in their hands. You grit your teeth, sneering at them as they approached. "Oi, oi! The hell you doin'?!" You shouted, a chill going down your spine at the dust that covered their arm. "You killin' monsters, huh? Well this is where you'll be meeting your end, buddy!" The figure didn't falter, merely walking closer and closer. Despite your gruff mask, you were terrified on the inside. This human, you could see now—no, this child, was killing monsters. They were silent, their pace picking up as they advanced on you. You took a step back, charging up a Blaster and shooting it. They dodged. They dodged your attack and was suddenly in front of you, their blade slicing through you as if you were hot butter. Death was... odd. You'd expected excruciating pain, but it was... quiet. The human had moved on from your dusting body, the snow was falling slower now, the winds were softer. Part of you wondered, in a brief final moment, if things would've been different if you hadn't run away. Would you be fighting by your brothers' side right now? Something muffled hit your ears, your body halfway dusted now. You blinked, seeing Sans and Papyrus' silhouettes rushing towards you. Your vision was blurred, you couldn't see their faces, a blurry hand grasping your jacket. Your vision was getting brighter, the sounds growing quieter. In another moment, your body was completely dust, leaving your brothers to regret and weep over you.
(In case u didn't see my latest post, I'm currently debating on recreating DragonTale completely)