Overprotective! Kris x PTSD! Sister! Reader

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(I'm trying to get back in the groove of things y'all. That's what counts right?)

Requested by the lovely Ellaelisebrown!~

You walked down the hall of the school, clinging onto Kris' hand as they led you to the classroom Toriel taught.
You had been abused when you were younger, one of Toriel's human 'friends' taunting and hurting you behind her back. And while Toriel broke their friendship long ago, those words and hits still haunted you, leaving you afraid of most monsters and humans.
Once the door to Toriel's classroom was in sight, you squeezed Kris' hand, a silent plea to not let you go.
Kris stopped at the door, crouching in front of you to give you a warm hug.
"It's okay, Mom is here, remember? She'll watch over you."
You clung onto Kris' sweater, the teen letting you do so for a few moments before gently patting you shoulder. "C'mon, I gotta get to class too."
You let go, feeling them swipe a stray tear from your cheek. "You can come visit me during lunch, okay?"
"...Okay." you murmured, letting Kris nudge you into the room.
The children were already playing with each other, a few of them giving you a wave.
"There you are (Y/n)!" Toriel hummed, smiling softly down at you.

It was nearing lunchtime, and Toriel said you head down to the cafeteria to  visit Kris. You walked through the halls, avoiding any students that you happened to pass. Once you made it to the cafeteria, you sat down at the table Kris and his friends usually sat at.
It would be a few minutes, so you spent the time staring off into space. You looked up upon hearing footsteps, seeing Birdley alongside another human.
They glanced at you and then each other, snickering to themselves. "Shouldn't you be in the little kids class?" They asked, their tone mocking.
"Yeah, this place ain't a place for babies."
You shook, trying to explain that you were waiting for Kris, but the words got caught in your throat.
Before they could taunt you any further, a pink-purple dinosaur monster stepped between you, and the two quickly backed off, moving to sit at their own table.
"Don't mind them, their just a buncha nerd jerks." She huffed, turning to you, "My name's Susie, I'm Kris' friend. Are you okay?"
She reached out to rest her hand on your head before catching herself, simply leaving it held out to you in a caring and concerned gesture.
You nodded, still a bit shaky.
"Good, I'll go get you lunch, Noelle should be here soon, she's a real sweet, deer monster."
Susie walked off towards the lunch line, and soon enough, just as she said, a deer monster arrived, smiling softly at you.
"Are you Kris' sister?" She asked, brightening at you silent nod, "Thought so, Kris is currently stuck getting an earful from Mrs. Alphys, so it'll be a bit before they show up. Is it okay if I sit here with you?"
She smiled at your nod, taking the seat next to you, glancing up as Susie arrived with lunch.
Soon enough, Kris arrived, looking absolutely exhausted.
"Get caught cheating again?" You murmured, a relaxed smile making it's way to your face.
"Shush you." Kris replied, playfully ruffling your hair.

You clung to Kris' hand as you both walked home, Susie having joined you. Toriel had an after school meeting, and so you had to walk.
"Did you do anything new today, (Y/n)?" Kris asked softly, striking up a conversation that Susie merely half listened to.
"I drew some pictures with the other kids." You replied, smiling softly as Kris beamed down at you.
"Good, I'm glad you're getting along with the other kids."
It fell quiet after that, and with a glance to Susie's hand, you reached out, holding onto it.
You missed Susie shocked expression, as well as the warm smile she and Kris gave you.

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