Gaster x Reader

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(just you bein' a good uncle/aunt :3)
(Also Reader is written as gender neutral since it wasn't specified!)

Requested by the lovely JustAPolerBear!~

Gaster sighed as he walked in through the front door, immediately hanging his coat on the coat rack and shedding his shoes.
It was late, but quiet.
His soul warmed at the sight of a fresh pot of coffee awaiting him in the kitchen, along with a note that dinner's leftovers was in the fridge.
This was a regular occurrence. He'd go to work after calling you to watch the two rambunctious boys, and, knowing he'd have a bit more work to do at home, he'd come home to find a fresh pot of coffee and a plate of what you made for dinner saved in the fridge for him.
It wasn't long before he heard something stir upstairs, the subtle creak of floorboards and the softest click of a door you could muster before you were tip toeing down the stairs.
"'Ello Gaster." You hummed, your smile warm and comforting as always, "How was work?" (Me: *typing your dialogue* My brain: what if British accent? Me: 0o0)
"Oh the usual." He sighed, smiling as you hugged him.
"Just make sure you rest tonight. You look ready to drop!" You chided quietly.
"I have a lot of work to do." He replied, averting your gaze when you crossed your arms and raised your non-existent eyebrows.
"I don't want you falling asleep at work again! Your work can wait until work, home is where you rest."
Gaster let out a soft sigh, nodding after a moment. "You're right, (Y/n)."
You nodded, chatting nonsense with him as he finished his coffee and the dinner you made him.
You saw him off to bed, not caring if you did the exact same thing with his children three hours ago.
Once everyone was asleep, you settled in to the guest bedroom you use when you stayed the night.
You ended up sleeping in, waking up to breakfast on your bedside table alongside a cup of still steaming coffee.

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