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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER ONE ▬▬▬▬▬

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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER ONE ▬▬▬▬▬

REGULUS LOOKED UP FROM HIS book of Medieval torture methods to address his daughter's woes, "I think you did the right thing," he affirmed. "Sirius was being foolish trying to stay and fight—and after hearing you describe what happened to the mortals during that battle, well, he should be glad he didn't stay around."

"That's what I told him," Esmerelda moped, looking close to tears. French For Beginners laid ignored across from her. The war had made her more sensitive then before, Regulus noted. Poor thing. "But he's still upset that I used the Mist to make him leave the country. He didn't like that I pretty much charmspoke him."

"To be fair," Nico spoke up from his position on the beanbag chair, a book about different types of funeral arrangements on his lap. "People don't usually like being mind-controlled, especially if it's from someone they're supposed to trust."

Her father had taken the news of Nico being Esmerelda's pseudo-son with stride if you excluded the minor mental breakdown he had when they told him. He didn't treat it like a big deal, unlike everyone else she knew... And by everyone else, she meant practically everyone else

Percy, because he had witnessed the truth in his dreams, had told Annabeth, who talked about it to her siblings in passing because she was curious about the subject of reincarnation, and one of her half-brothers, Malcolm, had told Lou Ellen, who told her newfound girlfriend Mabel from the Demeter cabin, who told Katie, who told Travis, who told his brother, who then told the entire fucking camp. 

So yeah. Everyone knew. Except maybe her relatives from the mortal side. It depended if Sirius bothered to read her letters or not. 

Now back to the conversation:

Regulus furrowed his brows. "But Esmerelda was clearly trying to keep my idiot brother safe."

"Well yeah, but she, uh, shouldn't be mind-controlling him though. Even if it was necessary," Nico explained. Did Esmerelda's father seriously not understand the emotional turmoil that would come with being contro—he stopped his thoughts when he spotted a book title So You Think You're A Sociopath on top of a pile of finished books.

Oh, he realized. That actually explains a lot.

"He hasn't replied to any of my letters," Esmerelda grumbled. "And all his text replies are super short. Sometimes he even leaves me on read!"

She knew what she had done was wrong, but what other choice did she have? She had just seen the gruesome ghosts of her siblings—all of them had died in an instant and her circle of living loved ones had drastically shrunken. She couldn't protect her friends since they were forced into the war alongside her, but she could at least keep her uncle safe.

She did what she had to do.

Had she not have done that... he would've fallen victim to Morpheus' sleep spell. He would've been put in an extremely vulnerable position and the amount of mortals that had died—the amount of mortals she had killed when she broke that bridge—was devastating. And then when the mortals woke up? She hadn't been down there but according to Nico plenty of innocent people had been killed in the crossfire.

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