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Yet another person has requested to make a 'reading the books' fic so go check out Reading Aletheia by -chxcolatte!

Also, I made a list of all the 'reading the books' fic for this series in the Church of Essie. I'll update it whenever another book is made.

"I'D LIKE TO SPEAK TO the manager," the woman with the cropped blonde hair demanded primly.

Esmerelda withheld the urge to cry before plastering on a smile to address her, "I'm sorry ma'am but the manager isn't here at the moment. Now could you please fall to the back of the line? I believe you cut in front of the man behind you."

But the woman wasn't going to listen to her.

"Look," she began, gesturing to the gunshot wound on the back of her head. "I was murdered by husband."

I can see why.

"That's tragic," Esmerelda said with faux sympathy. "But you still need to go to the back of the line."

"I've been here for a whole week," the woman pressed on, tapping her finger against the counter for added emphasis. "And I saw the other guy who's usually in your place—the guy in the fancy suit. I wanna talk to him."

"As I've said before," her smile wavered. "He isn't here."

"Well where is he then?" She demanded.

Probably sunbathing at the beach, knowing that I'm suffering, Esmerelda thought miserably.

After she died, her soul moved on to DOA Records like all souls went in order to be transferred to the Underworld. The whole building was crowded as usual since Charon was slacking off again and when she saw that there were still a bunch of kids from the 1800s waiting to enter the Underworld, she had (naturally) been horrified and paid for their passage. Since there were a lot of them, she ended up losing all of her drachmas but that was fine, it was worth it anyways. Plus, she was dead. She wouldn't need them anymore.

After that was cleared up, she then offered her help to get things moving which turned out to be a big mistake.

Long story short, Charon agreed to her generous offer, but then abandoned her not even ten minutes later to deal with the mess! She had been stuck behind the counter for a whole month trying to get everything in order and making sure the souls who had been waiting for centuries were finally allowed entryway into the afterlife.

But dear gods, the Karens from current day were going to be the death of her (for a second time)!

They kept cutting in line even though it wasn't their turn! Constantly demanding to speak to the manager! Acting as if their deaths were more important than the deaths of the thousands of other souls! Esmerelda burst into tears at least three times a day because of them!

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