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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER SEVEN ▬▬▬▬▬

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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER SEVEN ▬▬▬▬▬

TONKS RUSHED INSIDE GRIMMAULD PLACE, an article from the Daily Prophet clutched into her hand. She nearly bumped into Remus on the way in.

"Remus!" She gasped. "You can't believe what just happened!"

He tensed up in alarm. "Did You-Know-Who attack? Is Harry hurt? Esmerelda?"

"What, no? Have you read the latest news yet? My mum texted me about it! It's crazy!" She exclaimed, eyes wide. Her hair even turned into a pale yellow color to express her shock.

"Did something bad happen?" He asked in concern.

"Look!" She shoved the newspaper at his face.

He pulled it away to read it better, his eyes scanning the words. When he finished, his eyebrows were nearly touching his hairline.

"What?" Was all he could say. He then grew angry. "How could they say such awful things about her? Esmerelda wouldn't do any of these things!"

"Well yeah, but I was talking about the other part," Tonks sighed.

"The part about—?"

"—The boyfriend, yeah. Is it true?" She asked eagerly.

"It couldn't be," he shook his head. "Essie wouldn't... she's not into those kind of things. Dating, I mean."

"She's a pretty teenage girl, Remus," Tonks pointed out. "I don't see her dating a wizard, so maybe it's one of her demigod friends."

"They were just fighting in a war a few months ago! How would she be able to get a boyfriend in the middle of a war?" He cried out in confusion.

"Who knows! Where's Sirius? If it's one of her demigod friends, then he should know, right?"

"He's having breakfast at the moment so maybe we should—"

Tonks didn't even wait for him to finish answering her question. The second she got a destination, she walked around him and headed off to the dining room. Sirius was there, in the middle of eating from a bowl of soggy cereal.

"Sirius!" Tonks greeted him loudly, and he nearly dropped his spoon from her volume. "Does Essie have a boyfriend?"

He stared at her weirdly. "What? Of course not."

"The Prophet seems to think so. Look!" She handed him the article.

He scoffed. "The Daily Prophet's full of shit—" He froze upon seeing the large bold headlines at the front of the paper. "What?"

"Essie sent you a bunch of letters over the summer, hadn't she?" Tonks questioned. "Do you remember her mentioning a boyfriend or anything?"

Remus narrowed his eyes. "You never read any of her letters though, have you?"

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