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ESMERELDA WAS CERTAIN THAT SHE would have to say goodbye to her career of being Camp Half-Blood's tour guide. 

After whatever it was that happened with Rachel, she finally snapped out of it, but it was already too late. Piper was on the ground, unconscious and neither of the girls knew what the fuck to do other then to take her to see Chiron.

So now she, Annabeth, and Rachel were rushing to the Big House, Piper's unconscious body floating behind them with the Mobilicorpus spell. Ethan was already there, relaxing on the porch, but his body shot up when he saw the panic written all over his girlfriend's face.

"What happened?" He demanded, rushing down the steps. That was when he finally spotted Piper and his stance relaxed. "Oh. Is she dead?"

Rachel made a weak noise in the back of her throat. "Oh gods," she moaned in despair. "I killed her, didn't I?"

"She's still alive," Esmerelda reassured, but the panic in her face didn't disappear. "...For now, I mean."

"Forget that!" Annabeth snapped. "Ethan, where's Chiron?!"

"Calm down," he rolled his eye, leading them up the steps. "He's in here with Jared."

"You mean Jason?" Esmerelda asked.

His eye twitched. "Whatever." He pushed open the door of the Big House, and the girls flooded in with Piper's floating body.

"What happened?" Jason rushed over. "What's wrong with her?"

"Hera's cabin," Annabeth gasped. "Vision. Bad."

They laid Piper down on the couch while Annabeth rushed down the hall to get a med kit.

Chiron put his hand on her forehead and grimaced. "Her mind is in a fragile state. Rachel, what happened?"

"I wish I knew," she said. "As soon as I got to camp, I had a premonition about Hera's cabin. I went inside. Annabeth, Essie and Piper came in while I was there. We talked, and then—I just blanked out. They said I spoke in a different voice."

"You did," Esmerelda confirmed. "But it wasn't your 'Oracle' voice. You sounded like an older woman, and the way you acted... it was like you were being possessed."

"It wasn't a prophecy you spoke of?" Chiron asked as Annabeth returned with a leather pouch.

"I don't know what I said," Rachel said, staring helplessly at Annabeth and Esmerelda.

Annabeth frowned. "Chiron, what happened back there—I've never seen anything like it. Rachel grabbed Piper's shoulders and told her—"

"—To free her from a prison?" Jason guessed.

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