Q&A ✔️

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So... my teacher gave us an extension for our final speech, which has been moved to Friday instead of today. My group decided to record our speech on Thursday, so you can expect an actual chapter to be published on Thursday.

Sorry for making you guys wait so long! For now, you'll have to settle for the answers to your questions, which I suggest you all read through ESPECIALLY if you want to learn about the future books, potential ideas, and the Essan babies I've been planning 🥰

Also, some questions were repetitive, so I kind of just... skipped them. SORRY!

1. Lunar Eclipse: How long did it take you to come up with this story and to make it so complex and awesome??

Awww thank you 🥺

As for how long it took... a couple months, actually. First I planned it out, which took me a couple days but that was because I only had the main points down, all the other finer details had yet to be thought of. Anyways, I scrapped the story a couple times because I didn't like the first draft. It was poorly written and Esmerelda, who was named Cassiopeia or "Cassie", was such an underdeveloped bitch 🤮 🤮 🤮

Book one took me soooo long to plan because I kept redoing everything, but I was finally satisfied with it and stuck to it!

2. Daughter of Pluto and Slytherclaw Hunter: where did u come up w the idea of essie

As you've read from above, my previous draft for Essie was... horrible. Like, really horrible. She was one of those poorly written "strong" female characters with zero development whatsoever. When I reread the first chapters of my book, I was so appalled that I scrapped the idea and made my character the exact opposite of all those annoying "strong female characters". Essie is super feminine, super sweet, super crazy, super stupid (I'm sorry but it's true), and 10000% adorable 😌

I just... REALLY wanted to read about a book where the MC is girly and kind, because lately the books/fanfics I've read always bash those traits.... ☹️☹️☹️ If she's kind, she's 'not like other girls', and if she's girly than she's always given a 'mean girl' personality like... why can't they be kind AND girly???

3. Eridanus Vulpecula: From where did you get the character inspiration for Essie?

I was inspired by my seething rage from the lack of girly and sweet MCs 😌

(Basically, my above answer)

4. The Dumbass Demigod: If you're comfortable, what is your first name? or what is your first language?

My first name is Katrina!

As for my first language... It was either Tagalog or Bisaya (I'm filipino, btw). Unfortunately, I can't speak those languages anymore ☹️ I was born in the Philippines and my family moved us to the USA when I was around five. I've always been able to speak English because it's a common language in the Philippines, but I had this accent and I remembered that a lot of kids in my Kindergarten class kept making fun of me for it.

My teacher always told me to keep speaking Tagalog and Bisaya in my house because it's best for me to be multilingual, but I was so sick of my classmates making fun of the way I spoke that I literally spoke nothing but English regardless of where I was. I managed to get rid of my accent, but now I can no longer speak Tagalog and Bisaya, I can only understand it when it's spoken to me. I can't reply back and I struggle reading it too. Even worse is that I can't even tell between the language so even if I understand what's being said, I'm always wondering 'were they speaking to me in Tagalog or Bisaya???'

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