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marcahoran translated Aletheia in Spanish and just released it! So if there's any Spanish readers, go check it out! It's also in my Reading List too!

ETHAN KNEW HE MADE A mistake of falling asleep in the library after breakfast. He found himself back in the ruins again, except this time he didn't have to go looking around for Esmerelda. She was already in front of him.

She was tied up against the column again, but the gag was no longer in her mouth. Her state looked worse. There were bruises and dirt marks littering her skin, and her lip was split as if someone had punched her. Her eyes looked almost defeated as she stared up at him.

"What's taking you so long...?" She asked, her voice breaking.

Ethan didn't reply. Instead, he knelt down before her and untied her again, even though he knew she would just be bound once more in the next dream.

There was a lot of guilt building up within him, and the fact that he was suspicious of her made it hurt so much more. She looked just like Esmerelda, sounded, smelled, and felt just like her, yet he couldn't push away the thought that something wasn't right about this dream.

"Ethan..." She called out for him, looking at him hopelessly.

"I'm sorry," he finally said.

"Why aren't you here yet?" She asked him, her tone fearful for the future. "It's going to happen soon. They're going to sacrifice me. I don't have much time left. They told me that... that you haven't even moved." Something like resignation crossed her face. "You're not going to save me, are you?"

"Essie..." He trailed off guiltily, seeing the genuine pain in her eyes.

So what if it was a trap? There was a chance that this could be real. That this could be the real Esmerelda he was talking too.

If this really was her... His stomach clenched up with disgust at himself. For about a month now he had been getting the same dream over and over again, with her pleading for him to save her and he hadn't done a thing just because of a few suspicions. He was betraying her all over again.

He reached out to grasp her fragile hand, apologies ready to spill from his lips as well as the promise to save her until he felt it. 

The cold metal wrapped around her ring finger.

His body tensed up immediately, his hopes crashing down.

He looked mournfully at Esmerelda... and then stood up and stepped away from her.

"No," he said, and her face fell into despair. "No. I won't be saving you."

"E-Ethan?" The way she said his name was so painful, and the betrayal on her face hurt so much worse. He couldn't bare to look at her any longer so he turned away from her—and even then, the pain was still as bad.

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