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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER SIX ▬▬▬▬▬

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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER SIX ▬▬▬▬▬

"YOU'RE LUCKY I'M DEAD, BECAUSE if I were alive, you'd be grounded by now." Regulus sneered at her.

Esmerelda blanched. "Dad," she said weakly. "It's—I—"

"—Have you lost your mind?" He hissed. "Ethan Nakamura? The one who joined the Titans and then kidnapped you? Why would you—" He paused, realizing something. "Has he got you under mind control?"

"No," she replied. "Look, dad, I—"

"—And I thought I had bad tastes for picking your mother," he interrupted. "Is he threatening you? Blackmailing? A curse? A hex?"

"I'm with him willingly," she emphasized.

"Not exactly," he refuted. "It must be because of the trauma. I read it in one of my psychology books."

"You're not a licensed professional, dad, you can only say those things if you have the credentials to back it up."

He scoffed. "Credentials. They're not a thing in the wizarding world. That's why everyone there is so foolish."

Well. She couldn't deny that.

"I want you to break up with him. End this relationship before it can get too far," he ordered.

Her blood ran cold. "What?"

"End it, Esmerelda." He said sternly.

She looked at him fearfully. The expression on his face was cold and stony, like in the photographs Andromeda had given her. He looked at her like how Purebloods would look down on muggles, as if her thoughts and opinions were inferior. 

"...N-no," she stuttered, then said more firmly. "No. I'm sorry, but I'm not breaking it off."

For once, he looked angry, and sure she had seen him angry before but the anger was never aimed at her. Right now, he looked he wanted to reach out and throttle her for her insolence like how some foster parents would do to her. But as the seconds passed, nothing happened. That was a lot scarier, in her opinion.

"You want to continue... courting some boy with no respectable family, no money, no name to himself—who's also the same boy who kidnapped you, betrayed you, and nearly helped to cause the end of the world?" He asked her in a dangerously calm voice.

She nodded tensely, not trusting her voice to speak.

He sneered, "I see you've been spending time with your dumb uncle for too long. Only he would be soft enough to allow this to go on."

He doesn't actually know, she thought. She had informed him through one of her many letters, but judging from the lack of reaction, he obviously hadn't read any of them... 

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