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Everyone... this is it... The last chapter of book five...

SOMEONE IN THE STANDS ACTUALLY fainted. Unfortunately, it wasn't Fudge or Umbridge. It was some random old witch instead, but nobody paid her much mind.

The sight of Peter Pettigrew wasn't only horrifying for everyone, but it also brought forth a terrifying realization for them. Peter Pettigrew had been alive this entire time. What else were they wrong about?

Peter was whimpering as Moody dragged him over to the witness stand.

Fudge's jaw dropped. He was the first to speak.

"That—that's Peter Pettigrew!" He sputtered.

"Well yeah, duh," Ethan said flatly. "I just said that."

"Why does he—why does he look like that?! What happened to him?!" Amelia gawked.

"He was already like that when I found him," he lied.

She looked at him. "You found him? How?!"

He waved her off. "That's irrelevant to the case. Now Peter," he turned to the whimpering man, who broke out into loud weeps at the mention of his name. "Why don't you tell everyone what really happened all those years ago?"

It took a while for Peter to start talking. He was too busy sniveling to get anything done. But all Ethan had to do was give him a deadly look and he was ready to tell his part of the story. Esmerelda had no idea if Peter knew whether Leviticus Haverford was actually Ethan in disguise, but the older man definitely had Ethan's evil glare.

"S-S-S-Sirius wanted me to be the Potters' secret keeper," he began to spill in a trembling, high-pitched voice. "And I agreed so I could give out their location to the... the D-D-Dark Lord..."

There were several loud gasps in the room, and it took all of Ethan's willpower to not roll his eyes.

"And after you sold them out and got them killed?" He asked curtly, wanting this to be over with already.

"Sirius found me," he squeaked, glancing fearfully at a glowering Sirius. "I-I didn't want people to know that I was the traitor, so I pinned the blame of S-Sirius before I blew up the whole street. I cut my finger off to fake my death and—and I ran to the sewers."

"And how did you do that?" Amelia demanded, having been the first to recover from the shock.

He swallowed thickly. "I can turn into a rat."

"You are an unregistered animagus?"


"So I take it that Sirius Black's story about you pretending to be the Weasley family's... pet is true?" Amelia asked, looking a little disgusted about a grown man pretending to be a rat for over a decade.

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