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If you skipped the previous chapter because of the forbidden tango, then you didn't read my instructions clearly 😤

The full forbidden tango is in the CHURCH OF ESSIE, okay??? I've stated multiple times that there won't be full smut in this series and all the spicy goodness shall be put in the Church of Essie instead, so if you skipped chapter twenty... THEN GET UR ASS BACK THERE, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS, AND READ THE GODDAMN CHAPTER.

Other than that, have a good day :)

AFTER THE BEST NIGHT EVER, Ethan was pleased to say that his morning was equally as amazing. His lover was nestled in his arms, the birds were chirping outside, and the best part of it?

Nico di Angelo was all the way on the other side of the country—unable to interrupt this beautiful moment.

He had to bit back the vicious urge to start cackling because Esmerelda was sleeping right next to him and he didn't want to wake her up. Instead, he looked down to admire her. Her hair was a mess from when he constantly grabbed it last night, there were love marks littered over her delicate skin, and she was tightly gripping onto him like she didn't want to let him go.

Everything about this was perfect. He wanted to wake up to this scene every day.

Slowly, he pulled away from her and maneuvered himself so he positioned over her slumbering body. Judging by the clock on the wall, it was actually way past the morning so he figured he should wake her up right about now.

"Angel," he murmured sweetly, peppering soft kisses on her bare shoulder. "You gotta wake up now."

When that didn't work, he started tickling her side.

A small giggle came from her lips and her eyes finally started to crack open.

The first thing she felt was hunger... And then the ache came next. There was an unbearable soreness that she could feel throughout her body, but it was especially worse between her legs.

"Morning," Ethan drawled lazily.

She hummed in reply. She would've lifted her head up to greet him properly but her body felt way too sore to even move.

"What time is it?" She mumbled sleepily, eyes fluttering shut when she felt his hand toy around with the strands of her hair.

"It's 2 PM," he said casually, and her eyes flew open. "We missed breakfast and lunch, by the way."

She looked up at him incredulously. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

He merely blinked. "Uh, 'cause I was also dead asleep? I just woke up, like, two minutes ago. Besides," he trailed off, his hand creeping down her back and disappearing under the blanket. "I was hoping we could go another round..."

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